Faculty Teach-In

Faculty Teach-In

Reflections on the Oak Creek Shootings

Organized by the Center For South Asian Studies
University of Michigan

Convenor:  Arvind-Pal S. Mandair

When: Friday,  October 5th, 4pm – 6 pm
Where: School of Social Work, Room 1636

Since 9/11, visible and vulnerable minorities in the US, especially Sikhs, have been a target of discrimination. Several Sikhs were killed right after 9/11. The tragic shootings at the Milwaukee Gurdwara (Oak Creek) is a testament to this continuing disturbing trend of targeted violence against Sikhs and ethnic minorities in general. Southern Poverty Center has noted an increase in the number of White Supremacy groups and their impact on young people especially when unemployment is at a record high. Several ethnic minority communities and immigrant groups have experienced communal violence fueled by hate and fear- mongering that resulted in the loss of lives and properties. Japanese internment camps are recent example the systemic nature of discrimination of ethnic minorities.

With the support of the Center For South Asian Studies, faculty at the UofM propose a Teach-In Event to educate the university community providing the larger historical, political and social context of violence against ethnic minorities in order to raise awareness about the everyday discriminatory experiences of Sikhs to stimulate an informed discussion about the Milwaukee killings. The Teach-In will be a cross-campus event drawing upon the expertise of Faculty members from various departments at the UofM, and linking via Skype to Faculty based across North America.


Scott Kurasighe,  Leela Fernandes, Mrinalini Sinha, Farina Mir, Arvind Mandair, Ram Mahalingam
Punnu Jaitla, Anneeth Hundle (UofM Graduate Students)
Also joining via Skype from Canada:  Anne Murphy (UBC), Michael Nijhawan (York University)

For Further Information Contact Event Organizers:

Arvind Mandair (amandair@umich.edu)
Ram Mahalingam (ramawasi@umich.edu)