Current Research Projects

Stepping Up Against Racism and Xenophobia (SPARX) Project 

The project aims to provide a hub of ideas, resources, strategies, tips, and tools for caregivers and educators to address racial and immigration topics in supporting youths’ development of anti-racist and anti-xenophobic competencies. 

School + Community Pathways to Engagement (SCoPE)

This is a longitudinal mixed-method study of adolescents’ social-emotional learning,  ethnic-racial identity and sociopolitical development, and civic engagement conducted in partnership with Chicago Public Schools and CASEL. Learn more here (!

Sponsored by the William T. Grant Foundation


Teen Identity Development and Education Study (TIDES)

As you discover what strength you can draw from your community in this world from which it stands apart, look outward as well as inward. Build bridges instead of walls.
― Sonia Sotomayor

The Teen Identity Devtides-logo-13-bw_white-bkgdelopment and Education Study (TIDES) is a three-year study that seeks to elucidate how ethnic-racial identity and peer relations influence the academic and social adjustment of adolescents in ethnically diverse schools. We are particularly interested in the formation of ethnic-racial identity (how youth think and feel about their ethnicity/race and its importance in their lives), how and why it changes, and how it influences academic and social functioning over time.


Sponsored by the National Science Foundation


Project Connections-Conexiones

Project Connections-Conexiones (the UM-Latino Family Study) is a three-year longitudinal study of adolescent and parental ethnic identity, discrimination, socialization, and cultural orientation and their influences on academic achievement and mental health in a community-based sample in Southeast Michigan. We are interested in how ethnic-racial identity forms and is impacted by the family and how this, in turn, affects academic and mental health outcomes in Latino/a youth.

Past Projects
Latino Ethnic and Academic Pathways (LEAPS) College Student Study
Explaining Postsecondary Choices Among Hispanic Adolescents

Developmental Designs-Diversity (3D)

In the past, we have carried out secondary analyses with the following datasets:
National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen
MADICS: Maryland Adolescent Development in Context
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study
Educational Longitudinal Survey: 2002/2006