

comparative early modernitiesComparative Early Modernities: 1100-1800

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)

porter_ChineseTaste001 (1)The Chinese Taste in Eighteenth-Century England

(Cambridge University Press, 2010)

ideographiaIdeographia: The Chinese Cipher in Early Modern Europe

 (Stanford University press, 2001)

 internet cultureInternet Culture 

(editor, Routledge, 1997)

menBetween Men and Feminism 

(editor, Routledge, 1992)

Selected Articles

“Sinicizing Early Modernity: The Imperatives of Historical Cosmopolitanism” (Eighteenth-Century Studies 2010)

“Democracy or Bust:  Why our Knowledge about What the Chinese Lack is Really No Knowledge at All” (in China in 2008: A Year of Great Significance, 2009)

“China is Not a Foreign Country: The Promises and Perils of Cross-Cultural Comparison” (Michigan Quarterly Review 2008)

“Taihu Tatlers: Aesthetic Translation in the China Trade” (Batchelor and Kaplan, eds.,Women and Material Culture: 1660-1830, Palgrave, 2007)

“‘Beyond the Bounds of Truth: Cultural Translation and William Chambers’ Chinese Garden” (Mosaic 2004)

“A Wanton Chase in a Foreign Place: Hogarth and the Gendering of Chinese Exoticism” (Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 2004)

“Monstrous Beauty: Eighteenth-Century Fashion and the Aesthetics of the Chinese Taste” (Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2002)

“A Peculiar but Uninteresting Nation: China and the Discourse of Commerce in Eighteenth-Century England” (Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2000)

“Rethinking the Aesthetic in the Century of Taste (Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2000)

Chinoiserie and the Aesthetics of Illegitimacy” (Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 1999)

“From Chinese to Goth: Walpole and the Gothic Repudiation of Chinoiserie” (Eighteenth-Century Life, 1999)

“The Poetics of Misogyny in Jean de Meun’s Discourse of Nature” (Mediaevalia, 1998)

“Writing China: Legitimacy and Representation 1606-1773” (Comparative Literature Studies, 1996)

“His Master’s Voice: The Politics of Narragenitive Desire in The Tempest” (Comitatus,1993)

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