
Classes I’ve taught in Michigan

Where links are provided, they go to a syllabus page, which often links to the course activities and assessments. For the last several years, I have adopted a learner-centered ‘partially-flipped’ structure for many of my courses (especially Astro 142 and Astro 533, and to a certain extent Astro 106), with a heavy reliance on reading before class and a combination of learning activities (e.g., lecture-tutorials, think-pair-share, group discussions) and mini-lectures in class. The syllabus often links to the preparation they are asked to do before class. Some of the links are proprietary sites (such as UM’s version of Canvas, or Mastering Astronomy) and may not work for you. If there’s something that you need to see or understand that is behind a firewall, shoot me an email and I’ll try to figure out how to get you what you need.