Erica Jansen – UM Public Health Researcher & MEXPOS Researcher

Erica Jansen – UM Public Health Researcher & MEXPOS Researcher

Dr. Jansen is a nutritional epidemiologist who focuses on diet and sleep in relation to pediatric health. She has several lines of research, including the examination of how early nutritional environments affect childhood obesity and timing of puberty, how various aspects of sleep affect health, the bidirectional associations between sleep and diet, and epigenetic markers or mediators that underlie relationships between sleep and cardiometabolic health. More recently, she is interested in how to incorporate ethnographic and other qualitative information into epidemiological analyses, and has used mixed-methods approaches to investigate sleep and diet in Mexico City adolescents. Currently, in collaboration with Dr. Roberts and the ELEMENT team, she is conducting ethnographic interviews about sleep and menopause with women in midlife (see SOS).  (