Danetta Jameson – Dispatch 8

Danetta Jameson is going into her in senior year studying Sociology and Afroamerican and African Studies. After she receives her BA degree, Danetta will pursue a degree in Nursing. Danetta writes about the spirit of generosity, with which all of POA received from all those they interacted with in Jamaica. Danetta’s story is about Norma Baker, who was the live-in helper at our abode in Kingston. In expressing her own generosity to Ms. Baker, Danetta discovered that she received far more than she gave. On a personal note, let me say that Danetta was present every moment in her time in Jamiaca. A pleasure to watch one so young appreciating ‘all her blessings as she would say’, all the time.. I smiled every time I saw her beautiful face.

Nesha Z. Haniff
Director, Pedagogy of Action

Generosity in Jamaica
By Danetta Jameson

We’ve been in Jamaica for a little over three weeks now and the opportunities and experiences we have been blessed with have been exceptional! Not just getting to know more of the culture of Jamaica, teaching the HIV/AIDs module, but the greatest gesture we have been touched by has been their generosity to us!
After spending twelve day in Kingston, Jamaica, one of the most generous acts was performed by myself and a local Jamaican family who stayed in our complex. Norma- our housekeeper kept our houses spotless. She made sure that our kitchens, bathrooms and all eighteen of our beds were properly made before we returned from teaching every day. So, the night before we left, everybody was packing up to leave, but in the process of packing we were donating clothes and putting them in a big bag. However, I decided to donate my belongings to Norma and her two daughters. The feeling of giving them something and to see their faces filled with joy was indescribable. I went in the house, sat on the couch to reflect on what just happened and next thing I know, Abigail- Norma’s youngest daughter walked into my house and handed me a Jamaica plaque with all of their names and the date signed on the back to reflect their appreciation.

Generosity isn’t just about helping those who are less fortunate than us. It’s about being able to freely give something that is important and valuable to yourself, to someone else without judgment and without any expectations of getting something in return. The size or the price of the gift(s) does not matter, but by what it cost the giver is the most expensive price. Generosity requires pushing past feelings of reluctance because we all want to keep good things for ourselves.
Not only did Norma and her daughters show us their generosity, but Tonya did as well with her decision to willingly stay with us and help out with everything for about 10 days. She drove us all around Kingston just because she wanted us to see both sides of the world and the heart of Kingston. With everything she has done, she never expect anything in return. Other important people who have showed us great measures of generosity were Dane, Kandasie, Ras Arthur Dr.Donna McFarland, and many other Jamaicans we met every day.
Because of their generosity, we as students have been transformed as individuals and learned how to give graciously, receive thankfully and appreciate everything. We have learned to trust people more and to not pass judgment based on someone’s appearance or living conditions. Through our experiences with the loving, and generous people of Jamaica, we have been changed.

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