2001 Exam 5

1. The probability of transmitting HIV during sexual intercourse is reduced if a latex condom is used. the use of a condom reduces the risk
(a) about 2-10 fold
(b) about 100 fold
(c) to about 1 in 400,000
(d) to about 1 in 1,500,000
(e) by an unknown amount

2. Which of the diseases we have studied has no latent phase when an individual is infected but shows no apparent symptoms?
(b) Syphilis
(c) Typhoid fever
(d) Bubonic Plague

3. HIV/AIDS became established in Haiti relatively early. Why?
(a) Haiti has an unusually open attitude to bisexuality
(b) Haiti has a large percentage of homosexuals
(c) The practice of the Haitian version of the Santoria religion contains many elements of unsafe, promiscuous sex
(d) Many Haitians worked in central Africa (in Zaire)
(e) Many Haitians worked in the U.S., especially in New York City

4. The most effective treatment for AIDS is a multi-drug cocktail that contains
(a) inhibitors of reverse transcriptase and protease only
(b) inhibitors of reverse transcriptase, protease, and integrase
(c) an integrase inhibitor and two CCR5-blocking agents
(d) anti-gp120 antibody and CD4 only
(e) anti-gp120 antibody, CD4, and p24

5. During the asymptomatic stage of HIV disease
(a) the production of new T4 (CD4+) cells outstrips their destruction
(b) the production of new T4 cells balances their destruction
(c) the destruction of T4 outstrips the production of new ones
(d) the production of virus outstrips the clearance of the virus from the blood
(e) the production of virus is very low

6. Shingles is really the reappearance of an active form of a virus that originally caused
(a) thrush
(b) chickenpox
(c) smallpox
(d) polio
(e) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

7. The San Francisco Public Health director who delayed closing the Bathhouses until the Fall of 1984 was
(a) Selma Dritz
(b) Mervin Silverman
(c) Paul Conant
(d) Bill Kraus
(e) Cleve Jones

8. The tests currently in use have reduced the probability of HIV transmission by blood transfusion. These tests reduce the risk of transmission
(a) about 2-10 fold
(b) about 100 fold
(c) to about 1 in 400,000
(d) to about 1 in 1,500,000
(e) by an unknown amount

9. The fraction of the U.S. population who believe that patients should be informed of the HIV status of their physician is
(a) less than 1%
(b) between 5 and 15%
(c) between 30 and 40%
(d) between 45 and 55%
(e) greater than 90%

10. Another term for HAART is
(a) single drug therapy
(b) double drug therapy
(c) triple drug therapy
(d) four drug therapy
(e) AZT

11. In the 1980’s, the news media gave the title “nation’s AIDS capital” to
(a) San Francisco
(b) New York City
(c) Los Angeles
(d) Chicago
(e) Atlanta

12. Thrush, shingles, and severe Athlete’s Foot would be most typical of
(a) the acute phage of HIV disease before seroconversion
(b) the acute phase of HIV disease after seroconversion
(c) the latent phase of HIV disease while T4 cell numbers remain high
(d) pre-AIDS (or ARC) where T4 cell numbers are falling
(e) end stage HIV/AIDS where T4 cell counts are very low (less than 50)

13. AIDS patients generally acquire the germ for Bacilliary Angiomatosis (“Cat Scratch Fever”)
(a) from contaminated water
(b) at birth
(c) from sexual intercourse
(d) from injection drug use
(e) from cats

14. The incidence of gonorrhea among gay men in large cities
(a) has stayed relative constant for the past 10 years
(b) has declined by about 5% per year for the past 5 years
(c) has declined by a factor of 3 in the past 5 years
(d) had increased by about 5% per year for the past 5 years
(e) has about doubled in the past 5 years

15. At the present time, which of these has the highest probability?
(a) that a nurse who jabs himself with an HIV-contaminated syringe needle will develop HIV/AIDS
(b) that a patient undergoing heart surgery will die from the surgery
(c) that a patient undergoing heart surgery will contract HIV/AIDS from a blood transfusion
(d) that a person driving a car will die in an automobile accident
(e) that an HIV-infected dentist will transmit HIV to her patients\

16. Which of these terms does NOT refer to the same thing as the others
(a) AIDS virus
(c) LAV
(d) HIV
(e) KSV

17. Which of these is true of AZT?
(a) It is the second most common cause of death in AIDS patients
(b) It is the only drug currently available that has been shown to prolong the life of AIDS patients
(c) it reduces transmission of HIV from mothers to their offspring during birth
(d) People who lack it are virtually immune to HIV infection
(e) It is the causative agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma

18. The disease whose three stages follow a time course that most resembles that of HIV/AIDS is|
(a) typhoid fever
(b) cholera
(c) influenza
(d) bubonic plague
(e) syphilis

19. The American celebrity whose diagnosis of AIDS opened up public discussion of the crisis was
(a) Liberace
(b) Rock Hudson
(c) Cary Grant
(d) Elizabeth Taylor
(e) Elton John

20. The most common form of blindness in AIDS patients is caused by
(a) Epstein-Barr virus (the mononucleosis virus)
(b) Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
(c) Herpes Zoster (chickenpox virus)
(d) Herpes Simples (cold sore virus)
(e) Human Papilloma virus (HPV)

21. The term “outercourse” was coined by
(a) Randy Shilts
(b) Larry Kramer
(c) Selma Dritz
(d) Sylvia Hacker
(e) Margaret Heckler

22. Before an antibody test for HIV was developed, the AIDS risk in the blood supply could have been greatly reduced if the blood had been tested for antibodies against
(a) herpes virus
(b) cytomegalovirus
(c) Kaposi’s sarcoma virus
(d) polio virus
(e) hepatitis virus

23. Of all the opportinustic infections associated with HIV/AIDS, the one most likely to have been acquired through sexual intercourse is
(a) toxoplasmosis
(b) cryptococcus
(c) thrush
(d) Kaposi’s sarcoma
(e) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia