2003 Exam 5

1. SARS is a disease much in the news this year. What does the “A” in SARS stand for
(a) Airborne
(b) AIDS
(c) Acute
(d) Aggressive
(e) Asian

2. Consider two ways a new disease might spread. For disease “A” you start with 1 million cases and add 1 million cases per day for 30 days. For disease “B” you start with 1 case and double the number of cases each day for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days
(a) More people will have disease A than disease B
(b) More people will have disease B than disease A
(c) Both diseases will have exceeded the total population of the planet
(d) Both diseases will have about the same number of cases, but will be less than the total population of the planet

3. Proper use of a latex condom during anal intercourse reduces the probability of HIV transmission from an HIV infected male to an HIV negative receptive partner by about
(a) 3 fold
(b) 7 fold
(c) 50 fold
(d) 1,000 fold
(e) not at all &endash; a latex condom offers no protection during anal intercourse

4. Which of these is likely to be the last of the opportunistic infections to appear as a person progresses into late stage HIV disease? (I.e. which occurs at the lowest CD4 cell count?)
(a) Thrush
(b) Lymphadenopathy
(c) Shingles
(d) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
(e) Mononucleosis

5. Which of these “bodily fluids” is least likely to transmit HIV?
(a) Blood
(b) Semen
(c) Vaginal secretions
(d) Breast milk
(e) Urine

6. Treatment of a pregnant woman with AZT during the last trimester of the pregnancy
(a) Has no effect on the mother or the fetus
(b) Increases the mother’s chance of survival but at the risk of birth defects for the fetus
(c) Reduces the probability of transmission of HIV to hospital staff, but actually increases the probability of transmission to the fetus be a small amount (2-8%)
(d) Reduces the probability of transmitting HIV to the fetus from about 24% to about 8% without any apparent increase in birth defects

7. Which of the following could best be compared with Typhoid Mary?
(a) Harvey Milk
(b) Cleve Jones
(c) Gaetan Dugas
(d) Frances Borschelt
(e) Mechtilde Krim

8. Which of these is the most sensitive test for HIV in the blood (i.e. which can detect the lowest level of HIV)?
(b) Western Blot
(c) p24 antigen test
(d) RT-PCR
(e) Wasserman test

9. If you go to be tested for HIV, you will probably be given an ELISA test which looks for
(a) RNA from HIV in the blood
(b) DNA derived from HIV and integrated into cells
(c) Proteins derived from HIV
(d) Antibodies directed against HIV
(e) Ratio of CD4 cells (T-helper cells) to CD8 cells (T-suppressor cells)

10. During brachiovaginal manipulation (“vaginal fisting”) Crisco should not be used as a lubricant because
(a) It can irritate the vaginal lining and make the woman more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases
(b) It can cause an intense burning sensation that greatly reduces the pleasure felt by the woman
(c) It is rapidly absorbed by the vaginal lining and can lead to dryness and abrasion
(d) It blocks access of air to the vaginal lining and can lead to toxic shock syndrome
(e) It is not sterile and can introduce a variety of bacteria into the vagina leading to infection

11. The first city to mandate the closing of the bathhouses as a threat to public health during the AIDS crisis was
(a) New York
(b) San Francisco
(c) Chicago
(d) Miami
(e) Los Angeles

12. At present, the probability of getting infected with HIV from a blood transfusion in the US is about 1 in
(a) 1-2 hundred
(b) 1-2 thousand
(c) 1-2 million
(d) 1-2 billion
(e) 1-2 trillion

13. Kaposi’s sarcoma is caused by
(a) A bacterium
(b) A virus
(c) A fungus
(d) A protozoan parasite
(e) A worm

14. One of the features of the treatment known as HAART is that
(a) It is ineffective in reducing opportunistic infections, and still requires many other prophylactic medications to avoid OIs
(b) Even though it delays the onset of AIDS, it does not prolong life for those infected with HIV
(c) The medications are often stolen and sold on the black market because of the “high” that can be experienced when taking some of them
(d) Some of the medications, especially the protease inhibitors, can lead to a weight gain with unusual distribution (largely in the lower torso and the jowels)
(e) No example of resistance to the treatment has yet been observed, despite considerable searching, during 7 years since its introduction.

15. Proper use of a latex condom during vaginal intercourse reduces the probability of HIV transmission from an HIV infected male to an HIV negative receptive partner by about
(a) 3 fold
(b) 7 fold
(c) 50 fold
(d) 1,000 fold
(e) not at all &endash; a latex condom offers no protection during anal intercourse

16. Anilingus (sexual stimulation of the anus with the tongue) is generally considered
(a) Very dangerous for transmitting HIV but relatively safe for transmitting hepatitis and parasites
(b) Very dangerous for transmitting hepatitis and parasites but relatively safe for transmitting HIV
(c) Very dangerous for transmitting both HIV and hepatitis but relatively safe for transmitting parasites
(d) Very dangerous for transmitting HIV, hepatitis, and parasites
(e) Relatively safe for transmitting HIV, hepatitis, and parasites

17. In June 1981, Mother Theresa was awarded the Medal of Freedom by the President of the United States. She went directly from the White House ceremony to an AIDS ward where she interacted with the patients to emphasize the fact that the President had not yet mentioned the crisis publicly. Who was that president?
(a) Nixon
(b) Ford
(c) Clinton
(d) Reagan
(e) Carter

18. Of all the people in Michigan currently living with an HIV infection, the largest number of these were infected as a result of
(a) Men having sex with men
(b) Men having sex with women
(c) Injection drug use
(d) Infected blood products
(e) Secret governmental experiments

19. In April of 1984, the Secretary of health and Human Services announced that American scientists (Robert Gallo in particular) had identified the virus that causes AIDS, effectively ignoring the contribution of the French scientists like Luc Montagnier. The Secretary who made that announcement was
(a) Donald Francis
(b) Margaret Heckler
(c) Selma Dritz
(d) Mary Guinan
(e) Henry Waxman

20. Bacilliary angiomatosis is caused by
(a) A bacterium
(b) A virus
(c) A fungus
(d) A protozoan parasite
(e) A worm

21. One of the earliest drugs used to treat AIDS was
(a) AZT
(b) Fuzeon
(c) A protease inhibitor
(d) A CCR5 blocker

22. In the 1980’s many gay men discovered that they had AIDS when they were diagnosed with “gay cancer,” a simple term used to describe
(a) Toxoplasmosis
(b) Kaposi’s sarcoma
(c) Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
(d) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
(e) Cryptococcal meningitis