Other Recently Published Articles

Hajian-Forooshani, Z. and Vandermeer, J. 2021. Emergent spatial structure and pathogen epidemics: the influence of management and stochasticity in agroecosystems. (in press: Ecological Complexity)

Vandermeer, J., Hajian-Forooshani, Z., Medina, N. and Perfecto, I. 2021. New forms of structure in ecosystems revealed with the Kuramoto model. (in press, Royal Society Open Science)

Vandermeer, J. 2021. Intermittent metapopulations emerge from niche construction and a predator refuge (in press, Ecological Complexity)

Vandermeer, J. and Perfecto, I., 2019. Hysteresis and critical transitions in a coffee agroecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p.201902773.

Vandermeer, J. 2019. Weak chaos, Allee points, and intermittency emerging from niche construction in population models. Theoretical Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12080-019-00438-6.

Valencia Mestre, M.C., Ferguson, B.G. and Vandermeer, J., 2019. Syndromes of production and tree-cover dynamics of Neotropical grazing land. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 43(4), pp.362-385.

Ong, Theresa Wei Ying, Li, K, Lucatero, A., Pak, D., Hawkes, L. M., Rossiter Hunter, M., and Vandermeer, J. H. 2020. Taylor made landscapes: using Taylor’s law to scale between metapopulations and source-sinks in urban garden space. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Doi:10:3389/fsufs.2020.00046.

Vandermeer, J., 2020. Confronting complexity in agroecology: Simple models from Turing to Simon. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 07 July 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00095

Hajian‐Forooshani, Z., Schmitt, L., Medina, N. and Vandermeer, J., 2020. Trophic‐specific responses to migration in empirical metacommunities. Oikos, 129(3), pp.413-419.
Hajian-Forooshani, Z. and Vandermeer, J. 2020. Viewing communities as coupled oscillators: elementary forms from Lotka and Volterra to Kuramoto. Theoretical Ecology (2020): 1-8.