Academic Journals

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory

Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory is an interdisciplinary and international journal which provides a critical forum for scholarly exploration of Sikh and Punjabi cultural formations. It does this within a dynamic setting that embraces the globalized context of Sikhs and Sikhism.

The aim of this journal is to open up alternative horizons, to promote engagement with a wider spread of disciplinary approaches, to encourage conceptual innovation and provide a venue for the emergence of new perspectives. In addition to conventional scholarly research articles and book reviews, we also welcome shorter essays, conference and symposium proceedings, interviews, longer book reviews, poetry, colloquia etc from the full range of disciplines, including but not limited to: sociology, history, anthropology, philosophy, religious studies, political theology, women and gender studies, comparative literature, postcolonial studies, musicology, teaching and pedagogy, art and architecture, politics, international relations, law and social work.

Sikh Formations is particularly open to multiple ways in which cultural production creates zones of profound expressive possibilities by continually generating texts and contexts of reflexive import. To this end we also encourage submission of essays in Punjabi language. It is our hope that the social space in which our contributors argue and converse will challenge the hegemonic space of dominant national ideologies and national languages.

Link to the Sikh Formations Journal

Editorial Advisory Board Positions

Edited Journals

Culture and Religion (Editorial Advisory Board)

Religions of South Asia (Editorial Advisory Board)

Religion Compass (Editorial Advisory Board – From Fall 2021)

Book Series

Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures

Critical Perspectives on Religion in International Politics