Faction and Conversion in a Plural Society: Religious Alignments in the Hindu Kush

Robert Leroy Canfield

In this work, anthropologist Robert Leroy Canfield discusses several powerful social systems in central Afghanistan and their impact on the geographical distribution of religious sects in the area. Territorial groups, the kinship network, and community fission all play a part in why people live where they do. Canfield did his fieldwork among the residents of the province of Bamian during the years 1966 to 1968.

OrderĀ fromĀ the University of Michigan Press.

Publisher: Museum of Anthropology

Year of Publication: 1973

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Pages: 142

Price: $7.50

Print ISBN: 978-0-932206-48-0

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-951519-20-9

Series / Number: Anthropological Papers No. 50
