Economic and Social Organization of a Complex Chiefdom: The Halelea District, Kaua’i, Hawaii

Timothy Earle

In the early 1970s, Timothy Earle worked with Marshall Sahlins doing archaeological and ethnohistorical research on the Halelea district in Kaua’i, Hawaii. In this volume, Earle reports on his archaeological and historical research on irrigation in this region. He also discusses modern taro agriculture and community organization. Illustrations by Eliza H. Earle.

Order from the University of Michigan Press.

Publisher: Museum of Anthropology

Year of Publication: 1978

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Pages: 211

Price: $10

Print ISBN: 978-1-949098-00-6

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-951519-08-7

Series / Number: Anthropological Papers No. 63

Tables / Illustrations: 40 b&w illustrations, maps, and tables


By Elizabeth Noll

Editor at University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology