Living in a Lean-To: Philippine Negrito Foragers in Transition

Navin K. Rai

In this ethnographic study of the Agta, hunter-gatherers in the tropical rain forest of northeastern Luzon in the Philippines, Navin K. Rai documents a traditional society struggling to survive as their forest home is destroyed by outside forces. Foreword by Karl L. Hutterer.

Order from the University of Michigan Press.

Publisher: Museum of Anthropology

Year of Publication: 1990

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Pages: 200

Price: $10

Print ISBN: 978-0-915703-17-3

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-949098-92-1

Series / Number: Anthropological Papers No. 80

Tables / Illustrations: 14 b&w illustrations and maps


By Elizabeth Noll

Editor at University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology