Wari Imperialism in Middle Horizon Peru

Katharina J. Schreiber

More than 600 years before the Inka empire ruled the Andean region of South American, during the period known as the Middle Horizon, there were two complex societies: the Tiwanaku and the Wari. In this volume, Katharina J. Schreiber explores the problem of the Middle Horizon through archaeological research in two specific areas: the Carhuarazo Valley and the Jincamocco site. Foreword by Jeffrey R. Parsons.

Order from the University of Michigan Press.

Publisher: Museum of Anthropology

Year of Publication: 1992

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

Pages: 350

Price: $15

Print ISBN: 978-0-915703-26-5

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-949098-85-3

Series / Number: Anthropological Papers No. 87

Tables / Illustrations: 57+ b&w illustrations, maps, and tables


By Elizabeth Noll

Editor at University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology