The Use of Land and Water Resources in the Past and Present Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico

Anne V. T. Kirby

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In the first volume of a series on Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Valley of Oaxaca, Anne V. T. Kirkby investigated the agricultural production in the valley. With land-use data gathered at the time of her study (the 1960s), she created population and distribution models to help archaeologists interpret prehistoric settlement patterns in the region.

Miscellaneous Studies in Mexican Prehistory

Michael W. Spence, Jeffrey R. Parsons, and Mary Hrones Parsons

AP 45

In this volume, the authors present research on three important classes of artifacts from Mexico: Michael W. Spence and Jeffrey R. Parsons report on prehispanic obsidian exploitation in Central Mexico and Mary Hrones Parsons writes about Aztec figurines and spindle whorls from the Teotihuacán Valley.

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Texcoco Region, Mexico

Jeffrey R. Parsons

M 3

In this volume, archaeologist Jeffrey R. Parsons presents research based on an extensive 1967 survey of the Texcoco Region in the Valley of Mexico. The sites are organized by time period, from Middle Formative to Aztec. Parsons describes the sites in detail and compares them to those of the same time periods in the Teotihuacan Valley and the Valley of Mexico in general.

The Puerto Rican Population: A Study in Human Biology

Frederick P. Thieme

AP 13

In this study, author Frederick P. Thieme presents data on biological characteristics of the population of Puerto Rico. He includes data on nutrition, dental status, intestinal infestation, blood types, and more: data he gathered during fieldwork in 1948 and 1949. Thieme’s goals were to set up a baseline as a point of comparison; to study the relationship between physical variability and environment; and to pave the way for establishing medical standards for Puerto Rico.