Bikash R. Sahoo, Xiexiong Deng, Nathan Clark, Harry Yang, Bryan B. Guzman, Budheswar Dehury, Emi Miyashita, Ee Lin Wong, Daniel Dominguez, Vivekanandan Subramanian, Hirohide Saito, and James C.A. Bardwell. RNA G-quadruplex Binding Protein, regulates stress granule formation bioRxiv 2023.10.09.561572; doi:
Bikash R. Sahoo, Vojč Kocman, Nathan Clark, Nikhil Myers, Xiexiong Deng, Ee L. Wong, Harry J. Yang, Anita Kotar, Bryan B. Guzman, Daniel Dominguez, Janez Plavec, James C.A. Bardwell*. Effects of protein G-quadruplex interactions on phase transitions and protein aggregation bioRxiv, 2023.09.21.558871; doi:
Dulchavsky M, Mitra R, Wu K, Li J, Boer K, Liu X, Zhang Z, Vasquez C, Clark CT, Funckes K, Shankar K, Bonnet-Zahedi S, Siddiq M, Sepulveda Y, Suhandynata RT, Momper JD, Calabrese AN, George O, Stull F, Bardwell JCA. Directed evolution unlocks oxygen reactivity for a nicotine-degrading flavoenzyme. Nat Chem Biol, 2023 Sept 28. doi: 10.1038/s41589-023-01426-y PMID: 37770699.
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Biophysics of Molecular Chaperones: Function, Mechanisms and Client Protein Interactions, Authors: Wu, Kevin, Horowitz, Scott, and Bardwell, James C.A.
Chapter 8: Visualization of Chaperone Mediated Protein Folding Using X-ray Crystallography, Publication Date: Nov 01, 2023, DOI:
Wu K, Horowitz S, Bardwell JCA. (2023) Visualization of Chaperone Mediated Protein Folding Using X-ray Crystallography. Biophysics of Molecular Chaperones Royal Society of Chemistry. Chapter 8.