Chihongo (Spirit of Wealth) Chokwe Tribal Mask (Angola)
Late 19th/early 20th century
Wood, 15.0 x 13.5 x 7.5 in
Coppola Collection
Gaunt features, sunken cheeks, and jutting beard of an elder characterize a chihongo mask. Chihongo was formerly worn only by a chief or by one of his sons as they traveled through their realm exacting tribute in exchange for the protection that the spirit masks gave. The eyes closed to narrow slits evoke those of a deceased person.
Found amongst the Chokwe of Angola, these masculine masks (Chihongo, meaning ‘spirit of wealth’) are used to symbolize wealth and power. The masqueraders wearing the mask pay homage to male ancestors believed to be responsible for the prosperity and strength of the community. Traditionally used to represent the male chief ancestor Chihongo, the masks were once only reserved for use by chieftaincy during royal events such as the initiation of a new chief.
Today, men of the community wear these masks for entertainment purposes, during masquerade celebrations (danced together with the female counterpart, MwanaPwo) to bring fertility, peace, wealth and wellbeing to the village.
Distinguishing Features of Chihongo masks:
Made of wood
Gaunt, angular features
Prominent arched eyebrows
High forehead
Protruding ears are usually curved or semi-circular with the tragus depicted
Eyes placed in large, concave sockets
• Usually almond-shaped
• Usually half-closed slits
• Swollen eyelids prolonged down to centre of concave eye-sockets
Sunken cheeks
Sharply defined broad mouth
• Usually the full width of mask
• Partially open
• Protruding flattened lips
• Filed triangular teeth
Jutting beard (horizontal disc like projection at chin)
Top of mask is lined with holes for attaching elaborate headgear
Scarification usually engraved, cut away or carved in relief (older masks always depict scarification which was seen as a sign of beauty along with filed teeth). Scarification marks include:
Cingelyengelye: triangular marks on the centre of the forehead representing the Chokwe creator god, Nzambi
Cijingo: circular sun disks carved on the cheeks, denoting a spiral brass bracelet
Mitelumuna: carved on the forehead and extending to the temples, denoting ‘knitted eyebrows’ to show arrogance or dissatisfaction
Masoji: vertical marks carved under the eyes, denoting tears
Kapile: patterns on the chin
Kangongo: deep line down the nose
I have got to find me some feathers. Here is an example of what you do with those holes around the head!