“Birds of a Feather”

“Birds of a Feather” (August 5, 1958)
by Bruce McKinley Shanks (1908-1980)
14 x 17 in., ink and crayon on textured paper
Coppola Collection

Shanks was an American editorial cartoonist who worked for the Buffalo Evening News during the middle of the 20th century. There he won the annual Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning in May, 1958 (for a 1957 contribution).

Here we have Khrushchev and Mao, hatching a plan to charge the West with aggression.

From a released CIA document: Disagreement of foreign policy manifested itself in August 1958 when Khrushchev, after four days of discussion with Mao Tse-tung, publicly rejects, on August 5, Western proposals for a summit meeting within the UN Security Council on the crisis in the Middle East – proposals that he had accepted in July.

From the LA Times (August 4, 1958): Tass (USSR News Agency) said the fresh landings of American troops in Lebanon showed the United States was “planning new criminal aggressions.”

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