1787 “A plan of the current view of the top of Mount Zion”

1787 “A plan of the current view of the top of Mount Zion”
Artist unknown
5 x 7 in., ink on paper
Coppola Collection

Hand drawn in ink, and likely taken from a book, in Italian, this is a plan of the view of the top of Mount Zion, done in the year 1787 with notations of various places on the map.

Mount Zion is a hill in Jerusalem, located just outside the walls of the Old City. The term Mount Zion has been used in the Hebrew Bible first for the City of David and later for the Temple Mount, but its meaning has shifted and it is now used as the name of ancient Jerusalem’s Western Hill.

  1. The City Gate of Mount Zion
  2. House of Caiaphas, and the place where Christ was denied by St. Peter; now an Armenian Church surrounded by a high wall
  3. Under the Cupula and place where the Holy Spirit descended
  4. Cenacle where he instituted the Blessed Sacrament
  5. Wall of the esteemed house of Maria V when she died
  6. Sepulchers of Greeks, Monks and Seismatic Seculars
  7. Armenian Sepulchers
  8. Sepulchers of the Minor Friars, and of the Catholic Seculars