“The Speaker” (Among Us Mortals, 04/16/1950)
by W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962)
18.5 x 15 in., ink on board
Coppola Collection
W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962) was known for his masterful black and white Sunday page, “Among Us Mortals,” sometimes referred to as the Hill Page. Please see the Gallery description for more about Hill.
From this April 16, 1950 edition, titled “The Speaker” some quotes:
“The hecklers. The radical who blames Wall Street for everything from the cold war to water shortage, and the show-off who interrupts with the not-so-funny remark.”
“The replacement. A radio commentator was slated to speak before the club girls on world affairs. But he came down with hives and Mrs. Grace Lousey is kindly substituting with an interesting paper on the care of gladioli.”