“Fashion Show” (Among Us Mortals, 7/30/1950)

“Fashion Show” (Among Us Mortals, 7/30/1950)
by W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962)
26 x 19 in., ink on board
Coppola Collection

W.E. (William Ely) Hill (1887-1962) was known for his masterful black and white Sunday page, “Among Us Mortals,” sometimes referred to as the Hill Page. Please see the Gallery description for more about Hill.

In this July 30, 1950 edition, titled “Fashion Show”

“For showing off an evening gown, the model agency sends a special type of model who has that haughty, hard-to-make look, as though she smells something burning on the stove but is too polite to mention it. On the other hand, for beach wear, a model is picked for all out cuteness bordering on the simple.”