Macchiarini Creative Design
1544 Grant Avenue
San Francisco, CA
Peter Macchiarini (1909-2001) first made jewelry in 1936 and ventured into what he called “the avant-garde aspects” before World War II. A native of Sonoma County, he took a combination of his art education in the US and at the Art Academy Pietrasanta (Lucca, IT), and opened his own business in San Francisco, in 1948, devoting full time to making original contemporary jewelry. He was one of the first in the field of avant-garde jewelry, a leader in promoting arts and artisanship in the Bay Area, and referred often to the value of “creative design.” His work reflects themes that are reminiscent of Picasso’s cubism and African work.
Daniel Macchiarini (1954-) has spent much of his life creating sculptures and jewelry, and making artwork. Growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s Peter taught Daniel the metalwork craft for jewelry and sculpture, as well as form and design concepts to aid in the development of Daniel’s own artistic expression. In the early 1990s, Daniel began to work side by side with Peter to help with his Father’s failing health and the business side of the shop. By the time Peter died in 2001, Daniel was a working artist creating and selling his own work, and carried on the Macchiarini Creative Design Studio. His designs carry a strong influence from evolving the work he has been associated with his entire life.
Emma Macchiarini Mankin-Morris (1971-) is the third generation of metal smiths in the Macchiarini family. She draws her inspiration from the work of her Father and Grandfather, as well as her love of the natural world. Themes in her work vary from animal forms, floral blooms, and the human body, to outer space and mathematics, or geometric pattern. At best, her work is the making of wearable sculpture, as learned by studying with her Grandfather Peter Macchiarini. Emma formed her own Jewelry School in 2015, MetalworksSF, which is located at the store shared by her family’s half-century old business in the heart of North Beach.