Yan Xiong, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Interests
Things that are ‘liked’ are also generally ‘wanted’, and would be persistently ‘wanted’ even when they could have become disliked because of addiction. How is ‘liking’ differentiated from ‘wanting’ in terms of the neural circuits? Answering this question could help us understand how pleasure is generated and regulated in the brain, and treat the behavioral addictions.
Current Projects
• The involvement of CeA CRF neurons in psychological processes of ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’
• Different functional roles of CeA D1R and D2R neurons in regulating emotional valence.
• Structural and functional connection of hedonic hotspots in terms of brain networks.
Optogenetics, fluorescence microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and behavioral assays such as: operant testing (self-administration of cocaine and/or sucrose), shock rod testing, self-stimulation testing, taste reactivity testing, and social interaction testing.