The Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (BioNMR) Core facility at University of Michigan’s primary mission is to provide access to advanced NMR spectroscopic methods and tools to students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty of the University for the advancement of their research.
This facility is equipped with four instruments at various field strengths and capabilities. Of the four instruments, two are equipped with cold/cryoprobes which are capable of giving high signal to noise for biological samples. The facility houses two Ph. D. level scientists ready to facilitate data acquisition, project consultation and data analysis.
Please acknowledge the BioNMR core facility for all publications that use data collected in our facility. This helps us to keep track of our facility usage that leads to publications and justification for securing future funding for instrument upgrades.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the University of Michigan BioNMR Core Facility (U-M BioNMR). U-M BioNMR Core is grateful for support from U-M including the College of Literature, Sciences and Arts, Life Sciences Institute and the College of Pharmacy along with the U-M Biosciences Initiative.
- 1D NMR Methods for Macromolecule Ligand Interactions
- Variable Temperature NMR
- Tips and Tricks of collecting good NMR data
Chemistry Building
Chemistry Building #1047
Chemistry Building #2060
930 North University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Mary Sue Coleman Hall
Mary Sue Coleman Hall #3214
210 Washtenaw Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Contact Us
BioNMR Director
Debashish Sahu, Ph. D.
Sr Lab Specialist
Minli Xing, Ph. D.
Faculty Director
Emily Scott, Ph. D.
Director of Operations
Anne Thomson