

  • Stewart, B.A. In Press. Space, Food & Magic: The Coastal Hunter-Herders of Dunefield Midden (South Africa). UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeological Research Press, Los Angeles.
  • Jones S. & Stewart, B.A. 2016. Africa from MIS 6-2: Population Dynamics and Paleoenvironments. Springer, Dordrecht. PDF (front matter)

Selected articles & book chapters:

  • Mitchell, P.J., Stewart, B.A. In Press. Enveloping oneself in others: semiotic, spatial, and temporal dimensions of ostrich eggshell bead use in southern Africa. In: A. Nowell, B. Collins (Eds.). Culturing the Body: Prehistoric Perspectives on Identity and Sociality. Berghahn: New York.
  • Stewart, B.A., Challis, S. 2023. Becoming elands’ people: Neoglacial subsistence and spiritual transformations in the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains, southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. 78:123–147. PDF
  • Pazan, K.R. Stewart, B.A., Dewar, G. 2023. Early LGM environments accelerated the Middle-Later Stone Age transition in highland southern Africa. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 6:24.
  • Zhao, Y., Obie, M., Stewart, B.A. 2023. The archaeology of human permanency on the Tibetan Plateau: a critical review and assessment of current models. Quaternary Science Reviews 313:108211.
  • Carr, A.S., Chase, B.M., Birkinshaw, S.J., Rabumbulu, M., Holmes, P.J., Stewart, B.A. 2023Paleolakes and socioecological implications of glacial “greening” of the South African interior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (21) e2221082120.
  • Patalano, R., Arthur, C., Carleton, C., Challis, S., Dewar, G. Gayantha, K., Ilgner, J., Lucas, M., Marzo, S., Mitchell, P., Mokhachane, R., Pazan, K.R., Spurite, D., Morley, M., Parker, A., Mitchell, P. Stewart, B.A. and Roberts, P. In Press. Late Pleistocene-to-Holocene ecological change and hunter-gatherer adaptations in Lesotho, southern Africa. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 129 (2023). PDF
  • Challis, S., Stewart, B.A., Knight, J. 2022. Past environments and human lifeways of Lesotho and the wider Maloti-Drakensberg region of southern Africa. Quaternary International 611–612: 25–28. PDF
  • Pazan, K.R., Dewar, G., Stewart, B.A. 2022. The MIS 5a (~80 ka) Middle Stone Age lithic assemblages from Melikane Rockshelter, highland Lesotho. Quaternary International 611–612: 115–133.
  • Zhao, Y., Zhou, J., Chen, F., Wang, X., Ge, J., Gao, X., Stewart, B.A., Li, F. 2021. Lithic technological responses to environmental change during the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7–6) at the Yangshang site, western Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Research 103: 148–159. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Zhao, Y., Mitchell, P.J., Dewar, I., Gleason, J., Blum, J. 2020. Ostrich eggshell bead strontium isotopes reveal persistent macroscale social networking across late Quaternary southern Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117: 6453–6462. PDF
  • Pargeter, J., Loftus, E., Mackay, A., Stewart, B.A., Mitchell, P.J. 2019. Late Pleistocene human occupation in the Maloti-Drakensberg region of southern Africa: new radiocarbon dates from Rose Cottage Cave and inter-site comparisons. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 56: 101117. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2019. Comment on R. Haas & S.L. Kuhn’s ‘Forager mobility in constructed environments’. Current Anthropology 60: 499–535.
  • Stewart, B.A.& Mitchell, P. (2018). Beyond the shadow of a desert: Aquatic resource intensification on the roof of southern Africa. In Lemke, A. (Ed.), Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity, pp. 159–208. Boulder: University of Colorado Press. PDF
  • Roberts, P., Stewart, B.A. 2018. Defining the ‘generalist-specialist’ niche for Pleistocene Homo sapiens. Nature Human Behavior DOI10.1038/s41562-018-0394-4. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Mitchell, P.J. 2018. Late Quaternary palaeoclimates and human-environment dynamics of the Maloti-Drakensberg region, southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 196:1-20. PDF
  • Pargeter, J. Loftus, E., Mackay, A., Mitchell, P. & Stewart, B.A. (2018): New ages from Boomplaas Cave, South Africa, provide increased resolution on late/ terminal Pleistocene human behavioural variability, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 53: 156–184. PDF
  • Dewar, G. & Stewart, B.A.2017. Early maritime desert dwellers in Namaqualand, South Africa: A Holocene perspective on Pleistocene peopling. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 12:44-64. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Jones, S. 2016. Africa from MIS 6-2: The florescence of modern humans. In: Jones, S., Stewart, B.A. (Eds.), Africa from MIS 6-2: Population Dynamics and Paleoenvironments, pp. 1-20. Springer, Dordrecht. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Parker, A.G., Dewar, G.I., Morley, M. & Allott, L. 2016. Follow the Senqu: Maloti-Drakensberg paleoenvironments and implications for early human dispersals into mountain systems. In: Jones, S., Stewart, B.A. (Eds.), Africa from MIS 6-2: Population Dynamics and Paleoenvironments, pp. 247-271. Springer, Dordrecht. PDF
  • Pargeter, J., Mackay, A. Mitchell, P., Shea, J. & Stewart, B.A. 2016. Primordialism and the ‘Pleistocene San’ of southern Africa [with responses and reply]. Antiquity 90: 1072-1079. PDF
  • Dewar, G.I. & Stewart, B.A2016. Paleoenvironments, sea levels and land use in Namaqualand, South Africa, during MIS 6-2. In: Jones, S., Stewart, B.A., (Eds.), Africa from MIS 6-2: Population Dynamics and Paleoenvironments, pp. 195-212. Springer, Dordrecht. PDF
  • Loftus, E., Stewart, B.A., Dewar, G. & Lee-Thorp, J. 2015. Stable isotope evidence of MIS 3 to middle Holocene palaeoenvironments from Sehonghong, eastern Lesotho. Journal of Quaternary Science 30: 805-816doi 10.1002/jqs.2817 PDF
  • Marks, S.J., Montinaro, F., Levy, H., Brisighelli, F., Ferri, G., Bertoncini, S., Batini, C., Busby, G.B.J., Arthur, C., Mitchell, P., Stewart, B.A., Oosthuizen, O., Oosthuizen, E., D’Amato, M.E., Davison, S., Pascali, V. & Capelli, C. 2014. Static and moving frontiers: The genetic landscape of southern African Bantu-speaking populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 29-43 PDF
  • Mackay, A., Stewart, B.A. & Chase, B.M. 2014. Coalescence and fragmentation in the late Pleistocene archaeology of southernmost Africa. Journal of Human Evolution 72: 26-51. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2012. The world’s earliest mountain folk? PAST 71: 10-11. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Dewar, G., Morley, M., Inglis, R., Wheeler, M., Jacobs, Z. & Roberts, R.G. 2012. Afromontane foragers of the Late Pleistocene: Site formation, chronology and occupational pulsing at Melikane Rockshelter, Lesotho. Quaternary International 270: 40-60. PDF
  • Dewar, G. & Stewart, B.A. 2012. Preliminary results of excavations at Spitzkloof Rockshelter, Richtersveld, South Africa. Quaternary International 270: 30-39. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A., Parkington, J. & Fisher, J.W., Jr. 2011. The tortoise and the ostrich egg: Projecting the home base hypothesis into the 21st century. In: Sept, J., Pilbeam, D. (Eds.), Casting the Net Wide: Papers in Honor of Glynn Isaac and His Approach to Human Origins Research. American School of Prehistoric Research, Cambridge, Mass, pp. 254-278. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2011. ‘Residues of parts unchewable’: Stages two and three of a multivariate taphonomic analysis of the Dunefield Midden bovid bones. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 46: 141-168. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2010. Modifications on the bovid bone assemblage from Dunefield Midden, South Africa: Stage one of a multivariate taphonomic analysis. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 45: 238-275. PDF
  • Schultziner, D., Stevens, T., Stevens, M., Stewart, B.A., Hannagan, R.J. & Saltini Semerari, G. 2010. The causes and scope of political egalitarianism during the Last Glacial: A multi-disciplinary perspective. Philosophy and Biology 25: 319-346. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2005. The Dunefield Midden ceramics: Technical analysis and placement in the Western Cape sequence.  South African Archaeological Bulletin 60 (182): 103-111. PDF
  • Stewart, B.A. 2005. Charring patterns on reconstructed ceramics from Dunefield Midden: Implications for Khoekhoe vessel form and function. Before Farming [online version] 2005/1 article 1. PDF


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