
Support the Summer Field Camp

The Camp Davis summer experience in Wyoming is an integral part of the Department’s undergraduate program. Gifts to the Camp Davis Strategic Fund will support undergraduates’ participation in summer courses at Camp Davis. With the recent completion of the student cabin renovation project we are currently focused on raising funds to support scholarships and financial aid for Camp Davis students.

We believe that Camp Davis is an essential learning experience for students in the Earth and Environmental Sciences at Michigan, but we are also cognizant that this experience requires the expense of summer tuition and course fees and interrupts summer employment for many students. These added expenses are a barrier to some students who would otherwise choose to pursue a major or a career in the Earth Sciences.

Our long-term goal is to build an endowed scholarship fund that meets students’ financial need for aid to attend Camp Davis, such that the cost of the program is not an impediment to participation by any student who is interested.

Ways to Support Camp Davis Programs

  • Giving Tuesday: Pledge to help us purchase more water quality meters for student field instruction.
  • Donate now to the Camp Davis Strategic Fund or Renovation Fund 
  • Pledge an annual gift over the next five years. If your employer matches your charitable giving, both your total pledge, and the total matching amount from your employer can be counted towards our fundraising goals. Example pledge letter.       
  • Plan for Camp Davis in your estate through a bequest. Planned gifts that are documented with the University can be counted towards the fundraising goals of the student cabin renovation. Example Memorandum of AgreementExample Declaration of Intent.
  • If you are interested in making a pledge or a planned gift, please contact Camp Director, Nathan Niemi (; (734) 764-6377) or LSA Development Regional Director, Western States, Erik Boneff (; (734) 764-9737