Week 8: ‘Ology’ Camp

Published Categorized as Camp Explorations

The last week of camp explorations has come to a close. We had a great week learning all about many different fields of science. From Paleontology to Entomology, we explored and discovered all we could for our last week of camp. Now that we are all certified scientists, we want to tell you about our week! 

On Monday, we conquered the topic of Geology. We started the day by learning about the differences between rocks and minerals. Campers learned that a mineral is a naturally occurring substance that has a defined chemical composition. Rocks are naturally occurring and made up of two or more minerals. Counselor Chase then taught us about how to identify different rocks and minerals. He led us through an activity where we were able to identify a group of rocks based on their characteristics like hardness, crystal formation, and luster. After we learned all about rocks, we headed downstairs where we were able to break our own geodes! Campers broke open the geodes to reveal beautiful colors inside. After we packed up our geode pieces to take home with us, we wanted to learn more about geology. Campers learned about how geologists help to mitigate earthquakes. We worked together to build a structure that might survive an earthquake (aka a ride on the museum’s shake table). 

On Tuesday, we dug into the topic of Paleontology. Campers started the day with a tour of the museum’s Evolution: Life Through Time gallery. Here we learned about all kinds of animals and plants that came before us. Once we had absorbed all the information we could, we decided to play some prehistoric animal bingo, using animals we had found in the gallery! Campers got a little creative when they created their triceratops outfits! With front and back feet, and even heads and horns, we all stomped and roared like real dinosaurs. After learning so much about paleontology, we figured it would be fun to talk to a real paleontologist. We headed to the museum’s Fossil Prep Lab where paleontologist Bill and his assistant Jacob told us all about what paleontologists do and what we can do to become paleontologists too! To end the day, we all worked like real paleontologists and dug up some real fossils! Campers found lots of trilobites, crinoids, and even some brachiopods. 

Wednesday’s topic was Biology. We started the day with a game called Biome Go. Campers learned the names and characteristics of Earth’s different biomes. We all traveled around the museum to find animals from a large range of biomes as we worked to complete the ‘Biomedex”. In each entry, campers would record the animal’s name, what biome it lives in, and a fun fact about the animal. Once we found one animal from each biome, we were even able to claim a prize! After we completed our Biomedex, we moved on to an activity about the layers of the ocean. Campers learned the ocean is much deeper than we could have imagined. We learned about how different animals live in different layers of the ocean based on things like what temperatures they can tolerate and how much sunlight they need. Once we had learned about all these sea creatures, we headed to a craft related to just that. Each camper was able to paint their own sea creature magnet and take it home with them. To finish the day, our three younger groups of campers were able to go visit a university researcher and see his octopus and other marine creatures. 

Thursday’s topic was Entomology. Campers began the day by investigating some insect specimens. We looked closely and learned all we could about the diversity of insects and their close relatives. After looking at insects for so long we decided their beautiful patterns would make a great art project. Campers created and colored their own butterfly wings! We all looked very beautiful in our new wings. To break them in (and learn about the different life stages of a butterfly), we headed outside to have a butterfly metamorphosis relay race. Campers that did not visit the octopus on Wednesday had the opportunity to go on Thursday. 

On Friday, we learned about Ecology. We started the day with a trip to the Nichols Arboretum. On the walk over and during our time in the arb, we investigated the animals around us and their relationships to each other. Campers also participated in some animal yoga exercises in the arb. Once we journeyed back to the museum, we all enjoyed a sweet treat as a reward after our long walk. After we finished our popsicles, we headed back into the building to learn from some real scientists that were visiting the museum and sharing their knowledge. 

Thank you so much for sending your kiddo(s) to camp with us this week. They made our last week of camp absolutely perfect. Enjoy the last few weeks of summer, and have a great school year!