Natural Science Extravaganza Questions

We’re having a Natural Science Extravaganza this week in the afternoon!  Here are some questions to ask your campers to keep them engaged even after they’ve left camp for the day.On Monday, we are learning about paleontology.  Ask me about… My wooden dinosaur. The food chain game. On Tuesday, we are learning about the human…

CSI: Ann Arbor Questions

This week, Camp Explorations is learning all about crime scene investigation (CSI)!  Here are some questions to keep your camper engaged even after they head home. On Monday, we’re learning about observation and evidence.  Ask me about… Our witness experiment and the reliability of eye witness testimony The mock crime scene we documented! Why it’s…

Wild Adaptations

We’ve had a wild week here at Camp Explorations!  This week campers learned about animals and the adaptations that help them survive.  We also partnered up with WhaleTimes, Inc. for their Creep Into the Deep program, which connected us with deep sea researchers studying bioluminescence and vision in the deep sea.  You can learn more…

I Dig Archaeology

Looking at quizzes Monday, our campers learned about the scientists who study ancient people.  That’s right, it was all about archaeologists!  With our “Draw a Real Scientist” activity, we got a gauge of everyone’s initial understanding of what it is archaeologists and other scientists do, where they work, and what kind of tools they use.…

Environmental Explorers

Monday was our first day of camp.  We kicked off our ecology week by learning about ecosystems.  Campers learned the difference between living, nonliving, biotic, and abiotic factors of an ecosystem and what ecologists like to study.  We learned about all different kinds of scientist with our Scientist Card Game and even made our own…

Space Explorers

We blasted off deep into space this week in our afternoon session.  Our campers learned about space missions past, present, and future, and learned what it takes to be an astronaut! A shelter fit for the moon! On Monday, we learned about the explorations of our Moon.  Campers learned about the technology behind landing spacecrafts…