Call for Proposals

We invite the submission of abstracts for paper presentations. Possible topic areas include, but are not limited to, Japanese linguistics, Japanese language pedagogy, Second language acquisition and Japanese as a heritage language.

The submission deadline is Monday, August 31, 2015. Notification of acceptance will be sent in early September. Papers presented, with revisions made after the conference, will be published in a Conference Proceedings volume and online.

Please send proposals to as an email attachment in the .doc or .docx format (Microsoft Word) by August 31, 2015, following the instructions below:

Please name the Word file as “CATJ26_title” (for the “title” part, use the first 10 letters of your English title.  Ex. “CATJ26_What_is_Lost” for the title of “What is Lost in Translation?”).

Your abstract must be in the language of your presentation.

Page 1:

  1. Presentation title (in both Japanese and English)
  2. Name(s) of the presenter(s) (in both Japanese and English; list all co­-presenters)
  3. Affiliation and title (in both Japanese and English; list each co­-presenter’s information)
  4. E­mail address(es), phone number(s), and mailing address(es) (of all presenters)
  5. Equipment needed (other than a computer and a projector)

Page 2:

  1. Paper title (in both Japanese and English)
  2. Area of your paper (in English) Ex. Japanese pedagogy
  3. Keywords (in the language of your presentation) Ex. individual teaching, curriculum design
  4. Abstract: 700 letters (Mincho, font size 12, single-space) in Japanese or 350 words (Times New Roman, font size 12, single-space) in English.

Individuals may submit only one proposal as presenter or co-presenter.  The submitted proposals will be reviewed anonymously.  Notification of acceptance will be sent in early September.  Papers presented, with revisions made after the conference, will be published in a Conference Proceedings volume and/ or online.  We are looking forward to many applications.

If you have any questions, please contact Mayumi Oka via



  • 発表分野:制限はありません。
  • 応募締切:8月31日(月曜日)
  • 応募要旨送付先:岡まゆみ <> 宛に、e-mail 添付でお送り下さい。
  • 添付ファイルのフォーマット: .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word)
  • ファイルのタイトルの付け方:CATJ26_タイトル (タイトルの部分は英語の発表題名の始めの10文字を入れてください。例:“What is Lost in Translation?”という発表題名の場合、ファイルのタイトルは CATJ26_What_is_Lost )



  1. 発表題名(日本語と英語)
  2. 発表者氏名(複数発表者の場合は全員)(日本語と英語)
  3. 所属機関(日本語と英語)
  4. e-mail アドレス、電話番号、郵送住所(複数発表者の場合は全員)
  5. 発表に必要な機材


  1. 発表題名(日本語と英語)
  2. 発表トピックの分野(英語)例:Japanese pedagogy
  3. キーワード(発表言語使用)例: 個人教授、カリキュラムデザイン
  4. 要旨(発表言語使用)
  • 日本語の場合:700字以内(明朝体、サイズ12、シングルスペース)
  • 英語の場合:350 words(Times New Roman, font size 12, single-space)
