Alers-Rojas, F., Montoro, J., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. (2019, March). Every Second Matters: A daily diary study on adolescents’ after-school activities, risks, stress, and well-being. In Alers-Rojas. (Chair). ¡Aquí estamos y contamos! Effective recruitment and retention of Latinxs. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.
Mora, A., Fike, K., & Montoro, J. (2018, June). Community violence exposure and sexual harassment effects on Latino/a adolescents. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Sypher, I. (2018, June). “Background noise:” Becoming emotionally numb to community violence. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kennedy, T. M., Jocson, R. M., & Cranford, J. A. (2018, June). Adolescents’ attitudes toward violence: A potential target for violence prevention. Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kennedy, T. M., Alers-Rojas, F., Jocson, R. M., & Ceballo, R. (2018, April). Latino adolescents’ community violence exposure and well-being: Desensitization and attitudes toward violence. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) biennial meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Jocson, R. M., Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. A. (2017, September). Community violence exposure and psychological distress among Filipino mothers: The protective role of religiosity. Paper presented at the conference of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Jocson, R. M., Alers-Rojas, F., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J. A. (2017, September). Community violence exposure and psychological distress among Filipino mothers: The protective role of religiosity. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Alers-Rojas, F., Jocson, R. M., Fike, K., & Ceballo, R. (2017, September). Religiosity and spirituality: Benefits for Latino adolescents exposed to community violence. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Kennedy, T. M., Jocson, R, M., & Ceballo, R. (2017, September). The cycle of violence: Community violence exposure and attitudes toward violence among Latino adolescents. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Jocson, R. M., Apines, P. B., Sunglao, J. A., & Yusingco, M. P. (2017, April). Beyond income deprivation: Contextual risks, well-being, and parenting in the Philippines. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Austin, Texas.
Alers-Rojas, F., Jocson, R. M., Cranford, J., Fike, K., & Ceballo, R. (2016, September/October). Mother-adolescent agreement about adolescents’ exposure to community violence. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the National Latina/o Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida.
Alers-Rojas, F., Jocson, R. M., Cranford, & Ceballo, R. (2016, July). Associations between gender, language used by mother and mother-child nativity status on Latino youth’s community violence exposure. In Kennedy, T. (Chair). Unpacking community violence exposure: The differential impact of multiple dimensions of violence on youth. Symposium conducted at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Kennedy T., & Alers-Rojas, F. (2016, July). Colombian youth’s subjective perceptions of dimensions of community violence exposure: A qualitative investigation. In Kennedy, T. (Chair). Unpacking community violence exposure: The differential impact of multiple dimensions of violence on youth. Symposium conducted at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Jocson, R. M., Garcia, A. S., Alers-Rojas, F., & Kennedy, T. (2015, August). Community violence exposure and low-income urban Filipino mothers: Identifying protective factors. Paper presented at the biennial conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology and the annual convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Cebu City, Philippines.
Jocson, R. M., Ceballo, R., & Cranford, J.A. (2015, August). Examining mothers’ exposure to community violence: How does it influence children? Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Toronto, Canada.
Kennedy, T. M., Alers-Rojas, F., & Chaux, E. (2015, August). A qualitative study of the role of family in Colombian youth’s community violence exposure. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Toronto, Canada.
Kennedy, T. M., Chaux, E., Alers Rojas, F., Walter, E. R., Esquivel, L., & Chapa, O. O. (2015, March). How do Colombian children and adolescents experience and cope with violence exposure? A qualitative, dimensional approach. Paper presented the biennial meeting of the SRCD, Philadelphia, PA.
Maurizi, L. K., Kennedy, T. M., & Ceballo, R. (2015, March). Motivational and emotional predictors of academic achievement and development for ethnic minority students. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the SRCD, Philadelphia, PA.
Kennedy, T. M., Ceballo, R., Kennedy, E. H., & Jocson, R. M. (2014, August).Exposed: Revealing patterns of desensitization to community violence exposure among urban youth. Paper presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Ceballo, R., Cranford, J. A., & Kennedy, T. M. (2012, May). After-school activities, community violence exposure, and academic performance among Latino youth. Paper presented at the APA Division 45 conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Kennedy, T. M., Ceballo, R., & Aretakis, M. (2010, March). The protective role of familismo among Latino adolescents who have been exposed to community violence. Paper presented at the SRA biennial meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Ceballo, R., Kennedy, T. M., & Bregman, A. (2010, March). Always aware (siempre pendiente): Latina mothers’ parenting strategies in high-risk neighborhoods. Paper presented at the SRA biennial meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Ceballo, R., Kennedy, T. M., & Epstein-Ngo, Q. (2010, March). Community violence exposure among poor, Latino youth: The protective roles of parenting and family. Paper presented at the SRA biennial meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Poster Presentations
Jocson, R. M., Garcia, A. S., Kennedy, T. M., & Alers-Rojas, F. (2015, August).Experiences of community violence exposure among low-income urban mothers in the Philippines. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), New York City, New York.
Jocson, R. M., Rizzo, M., Thoma, G., & Walter, E. (2015, August). Maternal predictors of Latino youth’s community violence exposure and well-being. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Toronto, Canada.
Kennedy, T. M., Alers-Rojas, F., & Jocson, R. M. (2014, November). Coping with toxic stress in Colombia: A qualitative investigation of coping and avoidance among Colombian children and adolescents exposed to chronic community violence. Poster presented at the ISTSS Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
Kennedy, T. M., Jocson, R. M., Alers-Rojas, F., & Cuspinera, A. (2014, August).“No me afecta:” A qualitative study of Colombian youth’s desensitization to community violence.Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Alers-Rojas, F., Kennedy, T. M., Massingale, S., Arguelles, M., & Hassan, A. (2014, August). “Siempre se hacen conflictos:” Characteristics of community violence exposure among Colombian youth. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Kupisk, D., Kennedy, T. M., & Suarez, G. A. (2012, August). Busy today, better tomorrow? School and family protective factors for Latino adolescents. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Kupisk, D., & Kennedy, T. M. (2012, February). Extracurricular participation and stressful life events: Promotion of educational values among Latino youth. Poster presented at the SRCD Themed Meeting: Positive Development of Minority Children, Tampa, FL.
Maurizi, L. K., Kennedy, T. M., Epstein-Ngo, Q. M., & Aretakis, M. T. (2011, April).Help me, I don’t trust you: Support seeking and trust as protective factors for Latina adolescents exposed to violence. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Last updated: October 2015
Dr. Rosario Ceballo
Principal Investigator
Andrea Mora
Lab Coordinator
email |