Lab members will be presenting some of our latest work at SNL2024 in Brisbane Australia Oct 24-26 – be sure to stop by and say hi!! Maria Figueiredo (UMich undergraduate) will be presenting a poster titled Comparing LLM layerwise activation with EEG dynamics during language comprehension with RSA. Poster B7 (Friday, October 25, 10:00 –…
Category: conferences
Jeonghwa Cho defends dissertation, publishes two new papers
Dr. Jeonghwa Cho successfully defended her dissertation on April 16th, titled Cross-linguistic Representation and Processing of Words,Grammatical features, and Sentences. The committee was Julie Boland, Jonathan Brennan (chair), Shota Momma from UMass, and Savi Namboodiripad. Shortly after the defense, Jeonghwa was on the road giving talks at the Central European University in Vienna, then on…
Lab presentations at SNL2023: See you in Marseille
Lab members will be presenting on decoding verb phrase construction, memory retreival during naturalistic comprehension, and morphological decomposition. We hope to see you there! Tung, Tzu-Yun Modeling memory retrieval during naturalistic comprehension. (Poster A46, Poster Session A Tuesday, October 24, 10:15 am – 12:00 pm CEST) Zhao, Junyuan Tracking the representational dynamics of linguistic composition…
Jeonghwa Cho presents at AMLaP 2023
Do you need another excuse to visit San Sebastián, Spain for AMLaP 2023? Jeonghwa Cho will be presenting on two exciting projects: Poster: Sat Sep 2 14:00-15:10 Cross-language masked prefix priming for early and late bilinguals. (co-author Jonathan Brennan) Talk: Sat Sept 2 16:10-16:30 The time course of sentence planning in English (co-author Julie Boland)…
See you in Pittsburgh for HSP 2023
We are looking forward to HSP2023 in Pittsburgh! Be sure to see the latest from lab members on cross-language grammatical representations, modeling retrieval interference, and Junyuan’s masters thesis (MPI Psycholinguistics) on cortical phrase-tracking! And don’t forget to check out work from our fellow Wolverines:
Presenting at AMLAP2022
Tzu-Yun Tung will be at the 2022 meeting of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing to present some of her dissertation research on memory retrieval during language comprehension using a combination of EEG data and computational models. Check it out! Transformer language models capture some, but not all, retrieval interference effects Thursday, 8 September, 202217:15-18:15…
See you in Philadelphia for SNL2022!
We are looking forward to sharing some of our research at SNL2022, including: Jeonghwa Cho: Neural decoding of grammatical number within and across languages (Poster B11 in Poster Session B and Reception, Thursday, October 6, 6:30 – 8:30 pm EDT, Millennium Hall) Tzu-Yun Tung: Transformer language models partly predict retrieval interference effects (Poster B61 in…
Jeonghwa Cho presents at COGSCI2022 in Toronto
We are looking forward to CogSci 2022 in Toronto. Whether you visit in person or hybrid, be sure to check out Jeonghwa Cho’s newest work on the interactions between orthographic and morphological priming. Abstract below, or read the paper here One of the key issues in visual word recognition is the role of orthographic overlap…
Video & Slides: Lessons learned while searching for syntax in the brain
This is a talk at the University of Michigan offering some small measured optimism on mapping between language and neurobiology. It includes some of the newest work modeling fMRI data with CCG, reports brand new data from Tzu-Yun Tung on the interaction between memory load and prediction, and discusses some of Rachel Weissler’s observations about…
2022 Conference on Human Sentence Processing
[UPDATE with times] We’re looking forward to seeing you virtually at the 2022 Conference on Human Sentence Processing hosted March 24-26 by UC Santa Cruz! The latest from our lab includes: Jeonghwa Cho demonstrating effects of morphological and orthographic overlap in masked priming:Word-final orthographic overlap is facilitatory in masked priming but inhibitory in unmasked primingBlock…