Jixing Li let a large team to prepare these unique neurolinguistic datasets. Speakers of English (49), Mandarin (35) or French (28) listened to a 1.5 h audiobook of The Little Prince during fMRI scanning. The full MRI datasets are released along-side numerous linguistic annotations including prosodic contours, GloVe embeddings, POS tags, constituency parses, dependency parses,…
Category: data
Data Sharing: fMRI Whole-brain datasets from “Alice in Wonderland”
Shohini Bhattasali has led the tremendous effort to make available the full whole-brain fMRI datasets recorded as part of the Alice in Wonderland project conducted in collaboration between our lab and John Hale’s lab (Cornell, U Georgia). Raw and preprocessed recordings from from 29 participants are available alongside code and stimuli at the OpenNeuro repository: https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds002322/versions/1.0.3…
Data Sharing: EEG Datasets for Naturalistic Listening to “Alice in Wonderland”
We’re very pleased to release the raw EEG data, pre-processing parameters and stimulus details for our EEG story-listening experiment. The data comprise 49 human electroencephalography (EEG) datasets collected in our lab. The data were recorded with 61 active electrodes and a Brain Products actiCHamp amplifier at 500 Hz (0.1 to 200 hz band). Participants listened passively…
ROIs in our 2016 Brain and Language paper: A supplement to the supplement
Our Abstract linguistic structure paper, published in Brain & Language in 2016, featured an ROI analysis based on individual-subject peaks. We give the peak coordinates in MNI coordinates in the supplemental material. But, I’ve recently been thinking a bit more about spatial sub-divisions of the left anterior and left posterior temporal lobes, especially as they might relate…
Data sharing: fMRI timecourses / story-listening
We have publicly released the ROI data and stimulus files connected to our paper Abstract Linguistic Structure Correlates with Temporal Activity during Naturalistic Comprehension. Check it out: Download: [stimulus] [data]