Paper and data: fMRI datasets and linguistic annotations from naturalistic listening in English, Mandarin, and French

Jixing Li let a large team to prepare these unique neurolinguistic datasets. Speakers of English (49), Mandarin (35) or French (28) listened to a 1.5 h audiobook of The Little Prince during fMRI scanning. The full MRI datasets are released along-side numerous linguistic annotations including prosodic contours, GloVe embeddings, POS tags, constituency parses, dependency parses,…

Data Sharing: fMRI Whole-brain datasets from “Alice in Wonderland”

Fig 5 of Brennan et al., 2016 shows whole-brain correlations with word presentation (red), Markov-based Surprisal (blue) and Surpisal from a context-free grammar (green)

Shohini Bhattasali has led the tremendous effort to make available the full whole-brain fMRI datasets recorded as part of the Alice in Wonderland project conducted in collaboration between our lab and John Hale’s lab (Cornell, U Georgia). Raw and preprocessed recordings from from 29 participants are available alongside code and stimuli at the OpenNeuro repository:…

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Data Sharing: EEG Datasets for Naturalistic Listening to “Alice in Wonderland”

We’re very pleased to release the raw EEG data, pre-processing parameters and stimulus details for our EEG story-listening experiment. The data comprise 49 human electroencephalography (EEG) datasets collected in our lab. The data were recorded with 61 active electrodes and a Brain Products actiCHamp amplifier at 500 Hz (0.1 to 200 hz band). Participants listened passively…

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ROIs in our 2016 Brain and Language paper: A supplement to the supplement

Our Abstract linguistic structure paper, published in Brain & Language in 2016, featured an ROI analysis based on individual-subject peaks. We give the peak coordinates in MNI coordinates in the supplemental material. But, I’ve recently been thinking a bit more about spatial sub-divisions of the left anterior and left posterior temporal lobes, especially as they might relate…

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Data sharing: fMRI timecourses / story-listening

ROI timecourses for each subject from the study reported in Brennan et al., 2015 Brain Lang

We have publicly released the ROI data and stimulus files connected to our paper Abstract Linguistic Structure Correlates with Temporal Activity during Naturalistic Comprehension. Check it out: Download: [stimulus] [data]

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