Collaboratory Presents Work at New Directions in the Humanities Conference

The Collaboratory took its work on the assessment of non-traditional forms of humanities scholarship on the road to present a workshop at the New Directions in the Humanities Conference hosted by La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, June 26-28. 

The Collaboratory, in its current iteration, has been tasked with creating tools and sharing resources to support and promote collaborative, publicly engaged, interdisciplinary research during the tenure and promotion process. To that end, the Collaboratory has been collecting documents to create a resource archive for scholars engaged in this type of research. In this archive we include the catagories: University Documents, Scholarship for Administrators, Scholarship on Making the Pitch, and Guidelines and Resources from Professional Organizations. We hope to eventually include examples of successful CVs and letters of reference. By making these resources available we hope scholars and administrators will have an easily accessible platform to both get a sense of the state of the conversation and to advocate for their own work through the tenure and promotion process.

Presenting a workshop at the New Directions in the Humanities conference provided us an opportunity to share this work-in-progress with a diverse international audience. Participants were given the opportunity to express their interest in the project and give feedback on this work that the Collaboratory is doing. 

We were delighted to be able to include Collaboratory alumni Ava Purkiss (The Ambivalence Project) and Jennifer Dominique Jones (Black Washtenaw County) in the conversation. Ava and Jennifer were at New Directions presenting their research on underrecognized and underappreciated methods in Black feminist history.