
CHEM 220: “Teaching Experience for Undergraduates: is an independent study class that enrolls:
• facilitators in the Peer-Led Study Group program in the Science Learning Center
• undergraduate instructional assistants in the teaching program

SSG (Structured Study Group) Leaders: this is our peer-led Honors option available in a number of our introductory courses; it is a bona fide “teaching team” approach to instruction, with the leaders co-designing and fully implementing the instructional program for our Honors students

One way that undergraduates participate in teaching or teaching development work is by leading Structured Study Groups (SSG).

Past undergraduate students who have participated the (SSG) program as leaders, who are now in academic positions:

Prof. Peter (PJ) Alaimo
Prof. Sarah (Jouppi) Goh
Prof. Ming An
Prof. Jonathan Irish
Prof. Jason Pontrello
Prof. Erika Taylor
Prof. Suzanne Blum
Prof. Rebecca Ihrie
Prof. Joe Wachter
Dr. Alex Poniatowski
Prof.Costas Lyssiotis
Prof. Allison Hardin Narayan
Prof. Keary Engle
Seattle University
Williams College
SUNY Binghamton
Vanderbilt University
Brandeis University
Wesleyan University
Vanderbilt University
Harper College
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
University of Michigan
Scripps Institute
Academic History
UM 1994, PhD Berkeley, PD UCSF
UM 1996, PhD UMass
UM 1996, PhD Berkeley, PD Yale
UM 1998, PhD Stanford, PD Stanford
UM 1998, PhD U Wisconsin
UM 1998, PhD UIUC
UM 2000, PhD Berkeley, PD Harvard
UM 2000, PhD Stanford, PD UCSF
UM 2002, PhD Michigan State U
UM 2003, PhD U Pittsburg
UM 2004, PhD Scripps, PD Harvard Med/Weill Cornell
UM 2006, PhD Berkeley, PD U Michigan
UM 2007, PhD Scripps, DPhil Oxford, PD CalTech

Read the full genealogy for the leaders in the SSG program.