Volume 59, #1 // January, 2017

Editorial Foreword

Click here to download the editorial foreword.

Articles in this Issue


CAROLE McGRANAHAN   Imperial but Not Colonial: Archival Truths, British India, and the Case of the “Naughty” Tibetans

ANDREA MUEHLEBACH   The Body of Solidarity: Heritage, Memory, and Materiality in Post-Industrial Italy

Breaking Frame

LUCIA CARMINATI   Alexandria, 1898: Nodes, Networks, and Scales in Nineteenth-Century Egypt and the Mediterranean

RIHAN YEH   Visas, Jokes, and Contraband: Citizenship and Sovereignty at the Mexico–U.S. Border

Politics of Belonging in East Africa

EMILY CALLACI   Street Textuality: Socialism, Masculinity, and Urban Belonging in Tanzania’s Pulp Fiction Publishing Industry, 1975–1985

JUSTIN WILLIS, GABRIELLE LYNCH, and NIC CHEESEMAN  “A valid electoral exercise”? Uganda’s 1980 Elections and the Observers’ Dilemma

Scales of Comparison

SIMONA CERUTTI and ISABELLE GRANGAUD   Sources and Contextualizations: Comparing Eighteenth-Century North African and Western European Institutions

ALEXANDER ANIEVAS and KEREM NIŞANCIOĞLU   How Did the West Usurp the Rest? Origins of the Great Divergence over the Longue Durée

CSSH Discussion



Alexander Anievas is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Connecticut. He is the author of Capital, the State, and War: Class Conflict and Geopolitics in the Thirty Years’ Crisis, 1914–1945 (University of Michigan Press, 2014), for which he was awarded the Sussex International Theory Prize. He is co-author (with Kerem Nişancioğlu) of How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism (Pluto Press, 2015). He is currently working on a manuscript (with Richard Saull) entitledLegacies of Fascism: Race and the Far-Right in the Making of the Cold War.”

Emily Callaci is an Assistant Professor of African History at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She is completing a book manuscript entitled “Ujamaa Urban: Street Archives and City Life in Socialist Tanzania,” and has begun conducting research for a book about the history of contraception and family planning in Africa.

Lucia Carminati is a doctoral candidate at the Department of History at the University of Arizona. Her dissertation, “Port Saʿīd, 1859–1922: Migration, Urban Change, and Empire in an Egyptian and Mediterranean Port-City,” traces the social and cultural history of Port Said as the intersection of migratory routes, urban changes, and imperial interests. Her work has received support from the Fulbright Commission, the Social Science Research Council, the Council for Library and Information Resources, the Zeit Foundation, and the American Historical Association. Her current research interests, on which forthcoming works will focus, are social and cultural histories of the modern Middle East, with an emphasis on Egypt and North Africa, gender, mobilities, and micro-history.

Simona Cerutti is Directrice d’Etudes à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Her main interests concern social classifications and hierarchies in early modern societies, as well as the place taken by the law in the language and in the categories of social actors. The principles of social belonging to places and to social groups are at the heart of her more recent works. She is responsible for an international research group engaged in a comparative project on “citizenship” in the north and the south of the Mediterranean. She is developing a reflection on the future of social history and of “history from below” (“Who is below E. P. Thompson: historien des sociétés modernes: une relecture,” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, Apr. 2015). She is writing a book on “Petitions and Communication with the Authorities in Early Modern Italian Societies.” Her publications include: La ville et les métiers. Naissance d’un langage corporatif (Turin, XVIIe–XVIIIe siècle) (Editions de l’EHESS, 1990); Giustizia sommaria: Pratiche e ideali di giustizia in una società di Ancien Régime (Torino, XVIII secolo) (Gian Giacomo Feltrinelli Editore, 2003); Etrangers: Etude d’une condition d’incertitude dans une société d’Ancien Régime (Bayard, 2012).

Nic Cheeseman <nicholas.cheeseman@politics.ox.ac.uk> is Associate Professor of African Politics at Oxford University. He is the co-editor of the collections Our Turn to Eat: Politics in Kenya since 1950 (with Daniel Branch and Leigh Gardner; African Studies, 2010); and The Routledge Handbook of African Politics (with David M. Anderson and Andrea Scheibler; Routledge 2014); and editor of African Politics (4 vols., Routledge, 2016). His monograph, Democracy in Africa: Successes, Failures and the Struggle for Political Reform was published by Cambridge University Press in 2015, and an edited collection on African political institutions is set to be published by CUP in early 2017. He co-authored the article “Rethinking the ‘Presidentialism Debate’: Conceptualizing Coalitional Politics in Cross-Regional Perspective” (Democratization, 2014), which won the inaugural GIGA prize for the best article published in Comparative Area Studies. He is the founding editor of the Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics, a former editor of the journal African Affairs, and an adviser to, and writer for, Kofi Annan’s African Progress Panel.

Isabelle Grangaud is a researcher at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. Her work examines the urban societies of the Maghrib in the early modern period, with a focus on Ottoman Constantine and Algiers. Her main themes of study include the social and institutional practices of individuals and groups, the assertion or exercise of their rights to a locality’s resources, and the effects of such initiatives on social stratification. She is the coordinator of an international, interdisciplinary network of researchers working on the question of local belonging in the Mediterranean world. She is completing a book manuscript on the Ottoman bayt al-mâl of Algiers. This work builds on the analytical approach she has developed throughout her research, which emphasizes generative and conflictual processes at work in the constitution of historical archives. Her publications include the research monograph La ville impregnable: Une histoire sociale de Constantine au 18esiècle (Editions de l’EHESS, 2002); and several articles, including, “Affrontarsi in archive: Tra storia ottomana e storia coloniale (Algeri 1830),” Società post-coloniali: ritorno alle fonti, a cura di Isabelle Grangaud, Quaderni Storici 129, 43 (2008); “Masking and Unmasking the Historic Quarters of Algiers: The Reassessment of an Archive” in Zeynep Celik and Julia Clancy-Smith, eds., Walls of Algiers: Peoples, Images, and Spaces of the Colonial and Postcolonial City (Getty and University of Washington Press, 2009); and with M’hamed Oualdi, “Tout est-il colonial dans le Maghreb? Ce que les travaux des historiens modernistes peuvent apporter,” L’Année du Maghreb 10 (2014).

Gabrielle Lynch is an Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Warwick. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on ethnic politics, elections, and democratization, and transitional justice in Africa. Her first monograph, I Say to You: Ethnic Politics and the Kalenjin of Kenya, was published by University of Chicago Press in 2011. She writes a twice-monthly column for the Saturday Nation (the Saturday edition of Kenya’s leading daily newspaper), and for The East African (the region’s leading weekly). She is the chair of the Review of African Political Economy editorial working group, and an elected member of council for the African Studies Association of the UK and British Institute in Eastern Africa. 

Carole McGranahan is Associate Professor of Anthropology and History at the University of Colorado. She is the author of Arrested Histories: Tibet, the CIA, and Memories of a Forgotten War (Duke University Press, 2010); co-editor with Ann Laura Stoler and Peter C. Perdue of Imperial Formations (School of American Research Press, 2007); and co-editor with John F. Collins of the volume “Ethnographies of U.S. Empire” (Duke University Press, forthcoming). She is finishing a book about the Pangdatsang family titled, “Political Life and Social Death: A Tibetan History of Exile and Loss. 

Andrea Muehlebach is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her book The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy appeared in 2012, and she is currently conducting new research on water politics in Europe.

Kerem Nişancioğlu is a Lecturer in International Relations at SOAS, University of London. He is the co-author with Alexander Anievas of How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism (Pluto Press, 2015).

Justin Willis is Professor in History at Durham University, UK. He is the author of Mombasa, the Swahili and the Making of the Mijikenda (Oxford, 1993); and Potent Brews: a Social History of Alcohol in East Africa (Ohio University Press, 2002), and a co-editor (with John Ryle and Suliman Baldo) of The Sudan Handbook (James Currey 2011). He was a co-editor of the Journal of African History from 2006 to 2012, and Director of the British Institute in Eastern Africa from 2006 to 2009.

Rihan Yeh teaches at the Centro de Estudios Antropológicos of the Colegio de Michoacán in Mexico. She has published on publics and the public sphere in Tijuana, across the U.S.-Mexico border from San Diego, California. She is finishing a book manuscript titled “On Passing: Two Publics in a Mexican Border City.”

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By ltwstu

Lecturer of Anthropology University of Michigan Associate Managing Editor Comparative Studies in Society and History