Michigan Anthropological Society

The Michigan Anthropological Society is comprised of a group of students interested in anthropology who meet on a regular basis for a variety of activities. Some of the possible events are informal talks with faculty members and graduate students, movies, and field trips. It is organized by the members, with aid from the Undergraduate Advisor and the Undergraduate Program Coordinator.

Please check the News and Events section of the website for exact dates and times. Please come even if you can’t stay for the entire meeting. The Anthropology Society is a great place to meet new people, get new ideas, learn about career opportunities, graduate schools and lots of other things. It is always fun to meet others with like interests! You don’t need to be a major to come. Free refreshments provided.

Contact anthrosocietyleadership@umich.edu for more information.

Also check out our new journal, The University of Michigan UNDERGRADUATE JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY! click here: UMUJA