Electronics Blog – Debashish Sahu

Image recognition using Movidius Neural Compute Stick on a Raspberry Pi Zero W

Let’s build a security camera using Raspberry Pi Zero W and Movidius Neural Compute Stick to recognize a “person” on the video stream PiCamMovidius Set up NCSDK API Install required packages on Pi sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler libatlas-base-dev git automake byacc lsb-release cmake libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev swig3.0 graphviz

Image recognition using Movidius Neural Compute Stick on a Raspberry Pi Zero W Read More »

MeshyMcLighting: NeoPixels lighting solution using Mesh Network

Idea: Wouldn’t be cool for many McLighting (RGB LED lighting using NeoPixels) to talk to each other and synchronize? Implementation: Here is my naive attempt at this, which requires McLighting to be served as stand-alone web-client. Link: https://github.com/toblum/McLighting/tree/experimental/Arduino/MeshyMcLighting Features Uses painlessMesh to create mesh network and broadcasts state to every node Does not need WiFi connection

MeshyMcLighting: NeoPixels lighting solution using Mesh Network Read More »

RobinhoodAPI: Live stock prices from Robinhood on ESP8266

Idea: Get LIVE stock price on ESP8266 Implementation: Develop a simple Arduino library that retrieves live stock prices from RobinHood in JSON format and processes it for ESP8266. In one example, we demonstrate a whole bunch of stock prices scrolling through a dot-matrix display. Arduino Library: https://github.com/debsahu/RobinhoodAPI

RobinhoodAPI: Live stock prices from Robinhood on ESP8266 Read More »

Stock Prediction on Python using Machine Learning (NARX)

Here is a naive attempt at predicting a particular stock’s price and displaying it on a ESP8266. This algorithm is not the best one out there, but what is being shown here is the ability to port it elsewhere and easily integrate these complex models with micro-controllers (ESP8266) and other devices. GitHub: https://github.com/debsahu/StockPredictionPython Install MATLAB 2017a

Stock Prediction on Python using Machine Learning (NARX) Read More »

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