NMR – Debashish Sahu


Biological systems that exhibit interesting behaviors in terms of structure and function are investigated using different biophysical techniques. Of all the biophysical techniques, one of my main research focus has been accomplished using NMR, where I have used both Agilant (formally Varian) and Bruker console systems. From my list of publications, my research interests have not only been in the biological side but also on the development of new NMR techniques. All of these NMR experiments require a particular format for the NMR console to understand the various pulses applied, which we call as pulse sequence. Some of these pulse sequences developed by me can be found below.

If you have any questions on how to set these experiments up, be sure to contact me for help.

Pulse Sequences

Over the years I have been involved in developing new NMR experiments towards better understanding of protein function. I have listed a few of these pulse sequences developed here. Some complementary pulse sequences developed at Dr. Scott Showalter lab can be found here. This curation was made possible by PSU ScholarSphere.

Basic 2D Carbon-Detected NMR

Monique Bastidas, Eric B. Gibbs, Debashish Sahu, Scott A. Showalter (2015) A primer for carbon-detected NMR applications to intrinsically disordered proteins in solution.Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, 44, 54–66. DOI: 10.1002/cmr.a.21327. PDF

(HN-Start)CON-IPAP (file download)

(HACA)CON-IPAP (file download)

3D Carbon-Detected NMR for Chemical Shift Assignment

Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Scott A. Showalter (2014) Generating NMR chemical shift assignments of intrinsically disordered proteins using carbon-detected NMR methods. Anal Biochemistry, 449, 17-25. PDF

N(CA)CON-IPAP (file download)

N(CA)NCO-IPAP (file download)

Monique Bastidas, Eric B. Gibbs, Debashish Sahu, Scott A. Showalter (2015) A primer for carbon-detected NMR applications to intrinsically disordered proteins in solution.Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A, 44, 54–66. DOI: 10.1002/cmr.a.21327. PDF

(HACA)N(CA)CON-IPAP (file download)

(HACA)N(CA)NCO-IPAP (file download)

Carbon-Detected Amino Acid Specific (CAS-NMR)

Debashish Sahu, Monique Bastidas, Scott A. Showalter (2014) Generating NMR chemical shift assignments of intrinsically disordered proteins using carbon-detected NMR methods. Anal Biochemistry, 449, 17-25. PDF

CAS-CACON-ALA (file download)

CAS-CANCO-ALA (file download)

CAS-CANCO-ASP (file download)

CAS-CACON-GLU (file download)

CAS-CANCO-GLU (file download)

CAS-CACON-GLY (file download)

CAS-CANCO-GLY (file download)

CAS-CACON-LA (file download)

CAS-CANCO-LA (file download)

CAS-CACON-SER (file download)

CAS-CANCO-SER (file download)

CAS-CACON-TAVI (file download)

CAS-CANCO-TAVI (file download)

CAS-CACON-THR (file download)

CAS-CANCO-THR (file download)

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