Psych 325/AC306

Community Research (4 Credits)

This course covers research methodologies that are useful in learning about and with communities. These include community assessment, analysis of census and other statistical information on communities, asset mapping, and ethnography. Through readings, lectures, and discussion, the class considers what is involved in each of these methods and when each is appropriate for community study. Students use these methodologies to complete a research project in collaboration with a community organization. Results from the research project are communicated through a report to the community organization. Requirements include readings, lectures, and research project. This direct practice experience in the community based setting provides for greater understanding of course concepts, more in-depth learning, and a site for a community-based research project. This course fulfills the experiential lab requirement for all psychology majors.

Course Expectations

The course requires one 2-hour visit per week to Detroit for a total of 4 hours/week. The community experience involves regular interaction with a community based organization in Detroit to work on activities to improve individual, family, or community well-being. Projects can involve tutoring, developing outreach activities, or conducting community research. This type of direct experience provides for a better understanding of course concepts, more in-depth learning, and a location to participate in community research.

Transportation will be provided by the Psychology Transportation Center. At the beginning of the semester, students will have to complete a mini canvas course and orientation before being approved to drive a psych vehicle. Students are strongly encouraged to car pool with other students assigned to the same site and have at least 2 approved drivers in the vehicle at all times.