Matlab script for Bayesian line fitting
A Matlab script to do a Bayesian fitting of a straight line to data with uncertainties in both x and y coordinates is available in BayesLineFit.m. The function was originally distributed for a lab in Earth 468 at the University of Michigan. Note that some published studies have used this code, or an earlier version, publishing the version of the code they used. As there were some bugs in earlier versions, and I was not involved in the publications to ensure they were using the most up-to-date version of the code, I recommend using this one if you find it useful.
Python-based Geodetic Network Strain (PyGeoNS)
PyGeoNS is a Gaussian process regression method to extract spatially smooth, time-dependent strain fields from GNSS time-series, with quantified uncertainties. The methodology is described in Hines & Hetland (2017) and the software is available at:
Multiscale InSAR Time Series (MInTS) analysis
MInTS (Multiscale InSAR Time Series) has been folded into GIAnT, available from (GIAnT is a Python implementation. The original MInTS matlab toolbox is still available, but will not be updated. See Hetland et al (2012) for details on MInTS, and please cite that paper if you use MInTS (in either the matlab or GIAnT distributions).
Hetland, E. A., P. Muse, M. Simons, Y. N. Lin, P. S. Agram, and C. J. DiCaprio (2012), Multiscale InSAR Time Series (MInTS) analysis of surface deformation. J. Geophys. Res., 117, B02404, doi:10.1029/2011JB008731
The original MInTS matlab toolbox is still here, but there are no plans to update the matlab code. That Matlab version of MInTS is free for use or modification, but please retain the above reference in any modified versions of that code. Some notes on use is available on a old website here, and an example workflow is here.
Topographic Stress Calculation & Stress Inversion Software
Software to calculate topographic stresses due to topography, following the formulation of Liu & Zoback (1992; The effect of topography on the state of stress in the crust: Application to the site of the Cajon Pass scientific drilling project, JGR, 97, 5095-5108), as well as to invert coseismic slip models for stress, can be obtained through github at:
The methods are described in Styron & Hetland (2015), and all scripts and data to reproduce calculations and figures in that paper are also in the GitHub repository.
Generalized Viscoelastic Interseismic Deformation
A Matlab toolbox to compute interseismic deformation for the case of a faulted elastic layer over a general viscoelastic substrate, for both periodic and aperiodic earthquake sequences, as well as for postseismic deformation, is available here. The model is 2D and is a generalization of the Savage and Prescott (1978) standard model of interseismic deformation for a Maxwell viscoelastic substrate and periodic earthquakes. The script Compare_Periodic.m gives an example of usage. See Hetland and Hager (2005) for details of the model, and if you use, please cite that paper.
Intersesimic Fault Creep
Hetland et al. (2010) develop a model of aseismic creep throughout the interseismic period on a fault in an elastic half-space, driven by imposed coseismic slip (i.e., the solution is not specifically designed to solve for spontaneous ruptures at coseismic slip speed). The Matlab toolbox is in InterseisFaultCreep.tgz and the actual function is called EvolveSlip.m (I know, now the best name, but it is too convoluted to change now).
MintsReadIgram.m is an interferogram reader for Matlab.