Undergraduate Research Assistant
There are opportunities for undergraduate research starting Fall 2021 term, either paid or for credit. If interested please feel free to fill out the below form and email me (I am not automatically notified for each submission, so please email if you would like to be considered!):
Current Students

Eric Szymanksi
PhD Student
BS North Carolina State University
Project: machine learning applications to geodetic data
Alumni Students
former postdocs:
Meredith Calogero
PhD University of Michigan
BS Texas A&M
Project: temperature evolution of the lithosphere with both diffusive and advective heat transport; thermal modeling of supervolcanoes
Richard Styron
PhD University of Kansas
Project: constraints on stress in western Tibet throughout the earthquake cycle
Now At: Earth Analysis & Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Guohong Zhang
PhD Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration
Project: deformation in eastern Tibet throughout the earthquake cycle
Now At: China Earthquake Administration
former graduate students:
Olivia Walbert , PhD 2023
BS Humboldt State University
Dissertation Title: Probabilistic Inference of Tensorial Stress in the Earth’s Crust
now at Princeton University
Meredith Calogero, PhD 2021
BS Texas A&M
Dissertation Title: High-Resolution Numerical Thermal Modeling of Timescales and Mechanisms of Rhyolite Genesis and Advection as a Consequence of Basalt Influx: Applications to the Long Valley Volcanic Field, CA
now at University of Beyreuth
Trever Hines, PhD 2017
BS University of Illinois
Dissertation Title: Transient Ground Deformation in Tectonically Active Regions and Implications for the Mechanical Behavior of the Crust and Upper Mantle
now at Maxar.
Kate Volk, MS 2015
BS Northern Illinois University
MS thesis: Geological review of the Alaska-Aleutian Arc and exploration of 3D subduction zone modeling
Now At: Resource Recycling Systems
Lorena Medina Luna, PhD 2015
BS Earth System Sciences, UC Irvine
MS CSU Northridge
Geological Sciences PhD student
Dissertation Title: Constraints on Crustal Stress From Coseismic Slip Models and Focal Mechanisms
Now at: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (NCAR & UCAR)
Vera Hehn, MS 2014
Diploma Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Project: Deformation at the Casa Diablo geothermal plant, CA
Now At: Federal Institue for Geosciences and Resources, Hanover, Germany
Susan West, MS 2014
BA Mathematics & BS Geology, Univ. of Florida, 2011
Project: earthquake source determination (co-advised by Jeroen Ritsema)
Now At: Schlumberger
Guangcai Feng, Visiting Graduate Student 2009
PhD Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Surveying and Geo-Informatics, 2011
Guangcai developed models of the coseismic slip in the 2008 Wenchuan, China, earthquake, constrained from geodetic data (both InSAR and GPS). Guangcai also has worked on identifying ionospheric anomalies associated with this rupture in InSAR observations. We continue to collaborate with Guangcai.
Now At: Central South University, Changsha, China
Nora Lewandowski, MS 2010 (co-advised with Marin Clark)
Potential Role of Basal Tractions in Continental Deformation: Local Mantle Flow Generated in Response to Sinking Lithosphere in the Upper Mantle
Now At: Lettis Consultants International
former visiting scientists:
Ping He (He Ping), Visiting Scholar
Assistant Professor at Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, China University of Geosciences
Weidong Li, Visiting Scholar
Associate Professor at Henan University of Technology
former undergraduate assistants:
Cassandra Selzer, Undergrad Research Assistant, 2017-2018
B.S., Earth & Environmental Sci and History, 2018
Project: scalings of earthquake finite slip models
now at MIT
Erica Lucas, Undergrad Research Assistant, 2015-2017
Project: ground shaking prediction in earthquakes
BS Earth & Environmental Sci, 2017
now at Penn State
Seth Johnson, Undergrad Research Assistant
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2014-2015
Project: analysis and forecasting of vulnerability and loss in disasters
Rachel Willis, Undergrad Research Assistant
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2015-2016
Project: analysis and forecasting of vulnerability and loss in disasters
Larissa Lu, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2015-2016; Undergrad Research Assistant, Spring 2016
Project: analysis and forecasting of vulnerability and loss in disasters (UROP) & Julia implementation of Metropolis-Hastings random walk on a 3-sphere (URA)
Raven O’Rouke, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2015-2016
Project: analysis and forecasting of vulnerability and loss in disasters
Ryan Graham, research assistant, 2014
Project: deformation at Long Valley and Casa Diablo geothermal power plant
Anne Rosett, research assistant, 2014
Project: analysis of exposure to past disasters
Joseph McConeghy, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2014
Project: data mining and pattern recognition
Now At: Purdue University
Soon Hoe Lim, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2011-2013
BS Physics & Matematics, University of Michigan, 2013
Project: numerical solutions of diffusive problems in Earth science
Now At: University of Arizona
Edwin Tang, Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2012
Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, expected 2015
Project: scientific programing & models of strain accumulation
Lauren Fitzgerald, Undergraduate Research Assistant 2012
BS Computer Science, expected 2014
Project: scientific programing
Paige DeRaedt, Undergraduate Research Assistant 2013
Applied Mathematics & Statistics, expected 2013
Project: models of strain accumulation
Samantha Moore, Undergraduate Research Assistant 2009-2010
BS Earth System Science, 2010
Samantha worked on models of surface deformation due to subsurface pressure changes, as well as the rheological equivalence between interseismic deformation models.
Ka Yan Semechah Lui, Undergraduate Research Assistant 2009-2011
BS Geological Sciences, 2011
PhD California Institute of Technology, 2017
Semechah worked on several projects related to the dynamical relationships between lithosphere rheology over tectonic (several million years) and geodetic (years to decades) time scales.
Now at: University of Toronto, Mississauga