2017 speakers
13th Annual University of Michigan Early Career Scientists Symposium

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan is pleased to announce an exciting international symposium about the ecology and evolutionary biology of phenotypic plasticity. Phenotypic plasticity broadly defined includes any phenotypic response of an organism to a change in its environment, and, as such, touches nearly every discipline in biology.
The symposium is on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at Palmer Commons on the central campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The day begins with check-in and continental breakfast at 8:15 a.m. and wraps up with a reception at the Natural History Museum that starts at 6 p.m.
We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker is Cameron Ghalambor, professor, Department of Biology, Colorado State University. Eight early career scientists who study topics in ecology and evolution related to phenotypic plasticity, will present their work and participate in panel discussions, along with Dr. Ghalambor. Our outstanding lineup of a keynote speaker and emerging leaders will present their research examining effects of alterations in the environment on organisms on time scales from the metabolic fluctuations in cholorplast-stealing marine ciliates to herbivory-induced plant defenses on nutrient cycling in whole ecosystems, from developmentally-induced wing polyphenisms in aphids to transgenerational effects of predator exposure in stickleback fish. Methods employed to study these questions include large-scale field surveys, manipulative laboratory experiments, theory, and experimental evolution. We truly believe there will be something for everyone.
Early career scientists are considered senior graduate students (who stand to receive their Ph.D. within one year), postdoctoral researchers, and first- or second-year faculty.
The 2017 Early Career Scientists Symposium scientific committee includes:
Wei-Chin Ho
Andrea Hodgins Davis (chair)
Jill Myers
Annette Ostling
Mary Rogalski
Sonal Singhal
Carol Solomon
Earl Werner