Elizabeth N. Goodenough
Lecturer IV, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities
University of Michigan Residential College
Ann Arbor, MI
(734) 717-9729
Academic Qualifications
Harvard University, Ph.D. 1982, English and American Literature
Harvard Graduate School of Education, M.A.T. 1971, Secondary English
St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, B.A./M.A. 1969-70, English Literature
Smith College, B.A. 1969, English and American Literature
Academic Career
Lecturer IV, Arts and Ideas, Residential College, University of Michigan, 1995-present
Visiting Professor, Sarah Lawrence College, Summer 2014
Visiting Professor, Department of English, University of Michigan, 1993-95
Assistant Professor, Department of Literature, Claremont McKenna College, 1988-95
Allston Burr Senior Tutor and Lecturer in English, Currier House, Harvard College, 1982-88
Assistant Senior Tutor, Instructor, Department of English, Eliot House, Harvard College, 1976-82 Teacher, Department of English, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, 1972-74
Teacher, New Hampshire College Prep, Pease Air Force Base, Portsmouth, NH, 1971-72
English Teacher, Brookline High School, Brookline, MA, 1970-71
Awards, Grants, and Positions
2024 Michigan Road Scholars Program
2023 Gilder Lehrman Scholarly Fellowship
2023 U-M Arts Initiative, Children Under Fire: Art Becomes Before Everything Else $2,000
2023 U-M eGif Subvention, WHAT THE PRESIDENTS READ (Rowman & Littlefield 2024) $8,000
2023 U-M Arts & Resistance Theme Semester Virtual Exhibition $1,437
2023 Course Connections Award for “Children Under Fire” $500
2023 RC Executive Committee, Subvention for What the President Read $2,000
2022 Course Connections Award for “Student Radicals 1960s” mini-course $500
2021 Center for World Performance Studies for “Why I Fight” $4,500
2021 Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for “Why I Fight” $5,000
2021 Center for Research, Learning, and Teaching for “Why I Fight” $2,000
2020 Office of LSA Dean (Student Video Essays, Online Exhibition, Hatcher Library) $359
2020 Arts at Michigan Course Connections (Online Exhibition, Hatcher Library) $320
2019-20 25 Sponsors, “Why I Fight,” (Performance, Workshops, Panels) $54,000
2019 Arts at Michigan Course Connections (“Grapes of Wrath,” SMTD Collaboration) $200
2019 Editorial Board Member, Michigan Quarterly Review
2018 Nomination (by students) for Golden Apple Teaching Award
2018 UROP Outstanding Mentor Award
2017 Award of Recognition, The Max Warburg Courage Curriculum, Boston, MA
2015-18 Elected, The Phoenix Award Committee, The Children’s Literature Association
2017 Senior Fellow, Sweetland Fellows Seminar
2016-18 UMS Mellon Faculty Fellowship, Arts Academic Integration
2016 CRLT, Lecturers’ Professional Development Fund
2015-17 Fellow, Abrams Sustainability Seminar and Fellowship Award
2015 UROP Outstanding Research Award Honorable Mention
2014 Finalist, U-M Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize
2013 Office of LSA Dean, C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Matthaei Botanical Garden, “Soundscapes of Childhood” (Exhibit, Website, Brochure, Hatcher Library)
2013-22 Faculty Associate, Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum
2012-15 Elected, The Phoenix Award Committee, The Children’s Literature Association
2009-12 Elected, The Book Award Committee, The Children’s Literature Association
2011-20 UROP Mentor (1-5 students per year); Multiple Blue Ribbons
2011 Grants from AmeriCorps and Cook Foundation for “Where Do the Children Play?”
2010-11 The Children’s Literature Association Ad Hoc Committee on Publications
2010 Award of Recognition, Michigan Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education
2010 Grants from U-M Institute for the Humanities, Riley Foundation
2010 Elected Fellow, Center for Ethics in Public Life
2010 Grant for “Where Do the Children Play,” Knight Foundation
2009-12 Elected, The Book Award Committee, The Children’s Literature Association
2009 Grant, Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Outreach, “Where Do the Children Play?”
2009 Arts of Citizenship: Faculty Fellows Program
2009 Where Do the Children Play? Best Film, American Conservation Film Festival
2008 Selection, Eugene International Film Festival; Six Regional Emmys
2008 CRLT, Lecturers’ Professional Development Fund
2007 7 Regional Emmys for PBS Documentary, “Where Do the Children Play”
2006 W.K. Kellogg Foundation for Film Outreach
2005 Herrington-Fitch Family Foundation, U-M Institute for the Humanities, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and other donors for “Where Do the Children Play?”
2004 Office of the Vice Provost K/C/P Visiting Professorship; Ruth Mott Foundation grant
2004 Arts of Michigan Grant
2003 Child-Life Mini-grant; U-M Institute for the Humanities Grant
2002-19 Assistant Editor, Michigan Quarterly Review
2002 CRLT, Professional Development Grant
2002 Vice-Provost, Interim President (PBS documentary, Child Advocacy Seminar, Subvention)
2001-02 Fellow, U-M International Institute “Contested Childhood in a Changing Global Order”
2001 Founding Editor, Landscapes of Childhood Series, Wayne State University Press
2001 Invited participant, Columbia University, Teachers College Seminar
2001 “Partners on the Underground Railroad,” MI Campus Compact, Kellogg Foundation
2000 Elected Fellow, Society for Values in Higher Education
1999 CRLT Professional Development Grant, University of Michigan
1998 Arts of Citizenship, Center for European Studies, Elling Family Foundation, Garden Club of Michigan, Isenberg Fund, Institute for the Humanities, Nicola’s Books, OVPR, UROP, for “Secret Spaces of Childhood” Conference
1997 CRLT Professional Development Grant, University of Michigan
1993 High Honors List for Teaching, ADVICE Magazine (U-M Student Assembly)
1992 Faculty Research Grant, Claremont McKenna College
1990 Faculty Research Grant, Claremont McKenna College
1989 Andrew W. Mellon “Fresh Combinations” Grant
1989 Research Fellowship, Gould Center for Humanistic Studies
1988 Andrew W. Mellon Award, Hawthorne Exhibition
1972, 1975 Scholarship, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Middlebury, VT
1971 Phi Delta Kappa, Harvard Graduate School of Education
1969 Smith College “Furness Shakespeare Prize”
Books Published
Where Do the Children Play: A Study Guide to the Film. Second edition with educational supplement (Baltimore: Alliance for Childhood, 2010).
A Place for Play. Foreword by Richard Louv (Carmel, CA: National Institute for Play, 2008)
Under Fire: Children in the Shadow of War, Co-editor Andrea Immel (Detroit: Wayne State Press, 2008).
Secret Spaces of Childhood (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 2003).
Infant Tongues: The Voice of the Child in Literature, Co-editors Mark Heberle and Naomi Sokoloff (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994).
Journals Guest-Edited with Introductions
Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice. (Double Issue).“The Earth and its Young.” 21.3, 4 (Spring 2008; Winter 2009).
The Lion & the Unicorn. “Children’s Literature and Violence.” Co-editor Mitzi Myers. 24.3, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2000).
Michigan Quarterly Review (Double Issue). “Secret Spaces of Childhood.” XXXVIII-IX. 2 and 3 (Spring; Summer 1998).
Book Chapters, Articles, Reviews
Review, War and Childhood in the Era of the Two World Wars. eds. Mischa Honeck and James Marten. Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 13:2(Johns Hopkins UP, Spring 2020): 330-332.
“The Anthropologist Fashions and Refashions, is Fashioned and Refashioned,” The Ways We Stretch Toward One Another: Thoughts on Anthropology Through the Work of Pamela Reynolds, ed. Todd Meyers. (Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG, 2017): 105-125.
“Stormy Passages: Searching for ‘A Straight True Light,’” Play in American Life, eds. Mary Ruth Moore and Connie Sabo-Risley (Archway Publishing, 2017).
“A Little Plot of Earth Comment,” NAEYC Play, Policy, and Practice Interest Forum: Connections ed. Dr. Jennifer Berke (Spring 2017).
“The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde,” Shaw Festival Programmes: Wilde Tales (Niagara-on-the- Lake, ON, June 2017).
“Lucky Just to Be Alive—NOT!,” RC Newsletter (Fall 2015).
“Olley Olley Oxen Free,” RC Newsletter (Fall 2013).
“Secrets of Play: Child-Centered Spaces and the Literary Imagination,” Memory and Pedagogy, eds. Mitchell, Wilson-Strong, Pithouse and Allnutt. (New York: Routledge, 2011): 35-47.
“Nature as Healer,” The Wisdom of Nature. ed. Rachel Sorensen (Ulster, NY: Community Playthings, 2011).
“The Healing Arts of Play: Scenes of Self-Determination in Hawthorne’s Biographical Stories,” Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 36.1 (Spring 2010): 93-111.
“Poetry, Puddles, Play: Partnerships in Education,” with Rosemarie Hester. In “Children’s Stories and Social Issues.” English Quarterly 39.2 (2009): 6-14.
“On Behalf of Children,” Matthaei Botanical Garden Newsletter (January 2009).
“Where Do the Children Play?” Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education Newsletter (March 2009).
“Secret Spaces of Childhood and the Pedagogy of Place,” GreenMoney Journal (Summer 2009).
“Peering into Childhood’s Secret Spaces,” The Chronicle of Higher Education Book Review (July 2003): B13-14.
“Introduction,” David Sobel, Children’s Special Places (Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2002).
“In Memoriam Mitzi Myers (1939-2001),” with Andrea Immel and U.C. Knoepflmacher. The Lion & the Unicorn 26.1 (2002): vi-viii.
“Nathaniel Hawthorne,” The Cambridge Guide to Children’s Books, ed. Victor Watson (Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001): 325-326.
“A Modest Proposal: Time and Space for Children,” Cover Story, Michigan Today (Summer 2000): 11-14.
“Demons of Wickedness, Angels of Delight,” Hawthorne and Women: Empowering and Expanding the Hawthorne Tradition. eds. John Idol and Melinda Ponder. (Amherst: UMass Press, 1999): 226-236.
“Oscar Wilde, Victorian Fairy Tales and the Meaning of Atonement,” The Lion & the Unicorn 23:3 (1999): 336-354.
“Sharing the Earth in Literature and Life,” 1996 Proceedings: Literature and Hawaii’s Children. U of Hawaii at Manoa (1996): 104-115.
Review, Angels and Wild Things: The Archetypal Poetics of Maurice Sendak by John Cech. Children’s Literature 24 (1996): 235-240.
Review, The Voice of the Child in American Literature by Mary Jane Hurst. Children’s Literature 23 (1995): 261-264.
Review, Hawthorne’s Literature for Children by Laura Laffrado. Children’s Literature 22 (1994): 183-186.
“Taming Wilder Territory,” 1992 Proceedings: Literature and Hawaii’s Children. U of Hawaii at Manoa (1992): 109-116.
“Grandfather’s Chair: Hawthorne’s ‘Deeper History’ of New England,” The Lion & the Unicorn 15.1 (1991): 27-42.
Review, Hypocrisy and Self-Deception in Hawthorne’s Fiction by Marc Harris. Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 15.1 (1989): 26-27.
“Children Never Forget: The Image of the Child in Virginia Woolf and Carl Jung.” Psychological Perspectives: A Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought. Taylor and Frances: Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxford (1989).
Contributing Review Editor, Biography. University of Hawaii Press (1985-95).
The Atlantic Monthly Study Guide (1972-74).
Exhibitions and Catalogs
Co-Curator with Marilynn Olson, “Reading and Leading: Animal Tales that Shaped the Presidents,” Online Exhibition, Special Collections, U-M Hatcher Library (forthcoming 2021).
Co-Organizer, Exhibition and Speaker with Ann Arbor Children’s Authors, C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Nichols Arboretum, April 16, 2014.
Speaker, Brochure Editor. Exhibition Co-Curated with Librarian Angie Oehrli. Soundscapes of Childhood. https://landscapesofchildhood.wordpress.com/ (sponsored by Hatcher Library Gallery) October 7-December 10, 2013.
Co-Curator with Elaine Pitt. Children’s Play: A Photographic Exhibition. Ann Arbor District Library, July 24 to September 1) and C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital (September 1-Ocrober 31). 2013.
Editor. Exhibition Online Catalog. http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/elizabethgoodenough/wp- content/uploads/sites/206/2014/12/Crooked-Tree-Layout.pdf. 2006. Secret Spaces of Childhood Exhibition. Crooked Tree Arts Center. Petoskey, MI. 2006.
Editor. Exhibition Catalog. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1999). Co-Curator with Susan Glass and Editor. Secret Spaces of Childhood. The Eleanor & Edsel Ford House, Grosse Pointe Shores, MI. 1999.
Editor. Secret Spaces of Childhood Exhibition Catalog. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1998). Co-Curator Larry Cressman. Secret Spaces of Childhood: An Exhibition of Remembered Hide-outs, Children’s Book Illustrations. U-M Residential College Art Gallery and East Quad. 1998.
Co-Editor and Contributor. Exhibition Catalog (Cambridge: Harvard University, 1988). Co-curator Brigitte Bailey. “The Magnetized Observer”: Hawthorne’s Romantic Vision. Houghton Library, Cambridge and The Essex Institute, Salem, MA. 1988.
Conference Papers, Panels, Invited Lecture
Convener of Panel, “Incarceration, Confinement & Mental Health: Visual Arts as a Practice of Inner Freedom,” March 29, 2023.
Convener of Panel and The Robertson Memorial Lecture, “College Student Mental Health at the Edge: A Conversation,” February 10, 2022.
Convener of Panels around Why I Fight, a theatrical and filmed adaptation of the 2019 Michigan Quarterly Review novelette by James Munro Leaf, a story that dramatizes the perils of being defined by a mental illness and being caught in the psychiatric system (March 2020 postponed until Fall 2021 due to Covid 19).
Chair, “Early Empathy Education: The Role of Didactic Literature in Moral Education,” and “Dumb Animals and Innocent Heroines: Encouraging Empathy with Folk and Fairytales,” The Children’s Literature Association, Indianapolis, IN, June 13-15, 2019.
Presenter, “Young Readers Meet Death,” in Fred Peters’s RCHUMS 334.005: Death in the Western Imagination: Cultural, Philosophical, and Aesthetic Responses to Mortality, December 1, 2016.
Chair and Presenter, “‘Who May Question the Master of the Jungle?’: Animating Forgiveness in Mowgli’s Brothers,” Children’s Literature Association Conference, Columbus, OH. June 9, 2016.
Presenter, “Stormy Passages: Growing Up in Canadian Atlantic Lighthouses,” Randall 9 Symposium, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, July 9-12, 2016.
Presenter, “Nature-based Contemplation, Outdoor Play, and Sustainability,” U-M Program in Creativity & Consciousness Studies, October, 2014.
Invited Lecture, “Growing Up Near the Great Lakes: ‘By the Shores of Gitche Gumee,’” Harvard/Stanford Alumni Association, August 1, 2013.
Chair and Presenter, “Green Tower in a Dark Wood: Milton’s Masque as Picture Book by Trina Shart Hyman,” There Are Places I Remember, Children’s Literature Association Conference, Simmons College, Boston, MA, June 14, 2012.
Presenter, “Roots of Being: Growing Spaces, Inward Worlds,” Creativity, Play and the Imagination across Disciplines Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, May 27, 2011.
Chair and Presenter, “To the Lighthouse in Michigan Children’s Narratives,” Children’s Literature Association Conference, Ypsilanti, MI, June 10-13, 2010.
Presenter, “Representing Play in Children’s Literature: Nathaniel Hawthorne and Elizabeth Peabody,” 36th Annual International Conference: The Association for the Study of Play (TASP)/25th Anniversary Conference. Atlanta, GA, March 10-13, 2010.
Capstone Lecture, Albion College, School of Education, December 5, 2009.
Invited Lecture, “State of Play Science,” National Institute for Play, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 31, 2008.
Presenter, “Landscaping the Present: Secret Play and the Literary Imagination,” for Back to the Future: Productive Remembering in Changing Times: An invitational Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, October 22-24, 2008.
Conference Co-Organizer with Andrea Immel, Cotsen Children’s Library, “Under Fire: Childhood in the Shadow of War,” Princeton University Library, October, 2003.
Presenter, “Creation of Intimate Conversational Spaces on Campus,” Rackham Summer Study Presentation, April, 2003.
Presenter, “Creating a Niche for Academic and Community Partnerships,” Designing Modern Childhoods, University of CA, Berkeley, May, 2002.
Presenter, “As the Twig is Bent: Constructing the Self in Memory and Space,” Environmental Research Design Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2002.
Invited Lecture, “’Children Never Forget’: Childhood as Recalled in Autobiography,” Sawyer Seminar, U-M International Institute, February, 2002.
Presenter, “Virginia Woolf’s Twice-Told Tale: The Widow and the Parrot,” Children’s Literature Association, SUNY Buffalo, June, 2001.
“Finding Home in Children’ s Literature,” The Child’s Right to Play: A Global Approach, Hofstra University Cultural Center and The American Association for the Child’s Right to Play, May, 2001.
“Play: Speaking to the Heart of Childhood,” Creative Human Spirit Conference, Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor, April, 2001.
“Romancing Children’s Studies,” Chair of Children’s Literature Association Session, Modern Language Association, Washington, DC, December, 2000.
“New Watersheds in Children’s Literature,” Children’s Literature Association, Hollins College, June, 2000.
“Secret Spaces of Childhood,” U-M Institute for the Humanities, April, 2000.
“The Multi-Dimensions of Urban Childhood,” U-M Ginsberg Center, March, 2000.
“Make-Believe Worlds,” Building on Behalf of Children: An Early Childhood Conference, Washtenaw Community College, October, 1999.
“Debut de Siecle: Interdisciplinary Children’s Studies: A Case History in Secret Spaces from Picture Books,” ChLA/IRSLA, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July, 1999.
“Exploring Ecologies of Childhood,” ASLE, Kalamazoo, MI, June, 1999.
“Ferdinand the Bull: Border States and Cross Writing,” North Eastern Modern Language Association, Pittsburg, PA, April, 1999.
“The Peter Pan Syndrome and Virginia Woolf,” International Conference on Mothers and Sons, York University, Toronto, ONT, Sept. 1998.
“Children Under Fire,” Chair, ChLA. Paris, France, July, 1998.
“Children’s Studies in the Academy,” Chair, NEMLA, Townson State University, Baltimore, April, 1998.
“Worldbuilding and the Urban Child,” Presenter, U-M Faculty Seminary, Environmental Theme Semester, March, 1998.
“From Boxcar Children to Box Children,” ChLA, U of Nebraska at Omaha, June, 1997.
“Representing Childhood: Memory, Myth and Science,” Chair, North East Modern Language Association, Literary Perspectives on Aging, April, 1997.
“A Rationale for Childhood Studies,” Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature, Middle Tennessee State University, April, 1997.
“Sharing the Earth in Literature and Life,” Literature and Hawaii’s Children, U of Hawaii at Manoa, June, 1996.
“How ‘Time Passes’: James Barrie to Virginia Woolf,” NEMLA, U of Montreal, April, 1996.
“Women Writers and the Rest Cure,” Lecture for “Women and Illness,” U-M Residential College, March, 1996.
“Victorian Fairy Tales and Radical Faith,” Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature, Middle Tennessee University, April, 1995.
“Children of the Nineties: Our Last Frontier,” Lecture for Residential College, University of Miami, March, 1995.
“Illness as Transformation: Scenes of Correction in Hawthorne’s Biographical Stories for Children,” The Modern Language Association, San Diego, December, 1994.
Chair, “Children’s Literature and the Environment,” Children’s Literature Association, Southwest Missouri State University, June, 1994.
“Victorian Fairy Tales and the New Age Child,” Christian Writers and Their Communities, Calvin College, April, 1994.
Chair, “Reading Pictures, Viewing Texts,” Transfiguring the Book: Honnold Library Symposium, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, November, 1993.
“Sacramental Fantasies and Esoteric Faith: The Fairy Tales of Christina Rossetti and George MacDonald,” MLA, New York, December, 1992.
“Taming Wilder Territory.” Literature and Hawaii’s Children, University of Hawaii at Manoa. June, 1992.
“Mythologies of the Prairie: Issues for Today in the Books of Laura Ingalls Wilder,” Claremont Reading Conference, March, 1992.
“Forgotten Spaces and the Poetics of Childhood,” Gould Faculty Awards Lecture, Claremont McKenna College, April, 1990.
“Hawthorne and Childhood,” Chair, The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society, Salem, MA, June, 1998.
“The Silence of Children in Virginia Woolf,” Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December, 1987.
“’Marvelous are the Innocent’: The Child in Virginia Woolf,” Modern Language Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, December, 1982.
Media Interviews and Broadcasts
“The Secret Life of Children,” Ideas with Mary O’Connell, CBC, December 19, 2014.
“Where Do the Children Play?” and “Soundscapes of Childhood,” GetWellNetwork, TV Bedside Broadcast (70+ children’s hospitals) 2014.
Michigan Public Radio News, Interview with Kate Wells on healing effects of nature-inspired art in children’s hospitals. April 24, 2014.
Nevada Public Radio, Desert Companion, Interview with Chantal Corcoran, “Children and Technology.” March 21, 2014.
BBC/PRI’s The World, Interview with Kavita Pillay, “Finnish Schools and Recess.” June 5, 2013.
“Professor Profile” by Ben Seidman, The Michigan Daily, (January 26, 2012).
“Are You Down with or Done with Homework” by Lory Hough, The Harvard Graduate School of Education Magazine (Winter 2012).
“The Secret Life of the Pre-Tween,” Parents Magazine (May 2012).
“Is Play on its Way Out?” by Rose Garnett (Education.com).
TV interview by Barbara Lucas, Green Room, “Child’s Play & the Quest” CitiTV Channel 19. May 3, 2011.
Teleconference with National Institute for Play Founder, Stuart L. Brown MD. April 21, 2010.
“Ecologic” interview with David Occhuitto, NYC Pacifica WBAI, December 30, 2008.
Radio interviews with EMU; NPR Leonard Lopate; Rae Pica; Charity Nebbe, MI NPR “All Things Considered,” Wisconsin Public Radio, “To the Best of our Knowledge” (2003-2008).
“Get Up! Get out!” Detroit Public Television Interview, November, 2004.
Producer, “Team Wristband” with Panel Discussion (completed 2021 and debuted January 14, 2022).
Producer, “Lift Every Voice,” a film on BlockPower and founder Karthik Balasubramanian. Summer and Fall 2021.
Producer, Why I Fight, a theatrical and filmed adaptation of the 2019 Michigan Quarterly Review novelette by James Munro Leaf, that dramatizes the perils of being defined by a mental illness and being caught in the psychiatric system (March 2020 postponed until Fall 2021 due to Covid 19).
An Interview with Zibby Oneal. TheChildren’s Literature Association Website. Spring 2017.
An Interview with Pamela Reynolds. Fordham University Press Website. Winter 2016.
Farmington: A Community Remember., Oral Histories, Exhibition and Park Playfest (filmed and televised on local access channel “The Great 8”) September 24, 25, 2010.
Where Do the Children Play? (Originator, Consultant, Fundraiser, Outreach Director for Michigan Television). 55 minutes, 2007. PBS Documentary.
- Best Film, American Conservation Film Festival, 2009
- American Conservation Film Festival Selection, 2009
- Best Film, Eugene International Film Festival, 2008
- Six Regional Emmys, June 2008
- Public/Current/Community Feature/Segment, June 2008
Childhood Places/Secret Spaces. Originator and Consultant for Michigan Television. 60 minutes, 2007.
Community Presentations
“Incarceration, Confinement, and Mental Health: Visual Arts as a Practice of Inner Freedom”
hosted by U-M Residential College and the Prison Creative Arts Program (https://bit.ly/3uStmoB), March 29, 2022
The Robertson Lecture: “College Student Mental Health at the Edge” (https://lsa.umich.edu/rc/programs-and-community-engagement/robertson-lecture.html), February 11, 2022
“Why I Fight, or Team Wristband” (https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/prechter-program/news/archive/202202/“why-i-fight-or-team- wristband”-premiere-success), January 14, 2022
Panelist, “Saving Recess: Children’s Need for Time and Space to Play,” Crazy Wisdom Salon, Ann Arbor. March 26, 2015.
Film Showing, Walter Stiern Middle School Auditorium, Bakersfield, CA. 2015.
Speaker, Mary Jane Stryker Theatre, Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Kalamazoo, MI. September 29, 2013.
Speaker, Milan Senior Center (sponsored by Milan Public Library) March 8, 2012.
Speaker with Thomas Cook, Ovid-Elsie High School (sponsored by Cook Family Foundation) March 14, 2012.
Speaker, Sunward Co-Housing and Lesbian Moms, Ann Arbor, MI. April, 2011.
Film Showing and Conversation, Lower Merion Land Conservancy, Bryn Mawr, PA. May 31, 2012.
Community Conversation, Milan Senior Center, Milan Public Library. March 8, 2012.
Presenter with Sponsor, Ovid-Elsie High School, Sponsored by the Cook Foundation. March 14, 2012.
Keynote, Westchester Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual Conference, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY. October 20, 2012.
Evening Speaker, Parents Association Meeting, St. Anne’s Belfield, Charlottesville, VA. April, 2011.
Presenter, Historical Society and Friends of Apple Island, Bloomfield Hills, MI, April, 2011.
Keynote, “The Value of Play,” Clemson University, Clemson, SC, February, 2011.
Presenter, “Play and Risk,” and “Biology, Nurture and Play,” Association of Children’s Museums Interactivity Conference, St. Paul, MN, May 5-7, 2010.
Film Showing and Discussion, Ypsilanti Public Library, March 24, 2010.
Keynote, No Child Left Inside Summit, Costick Center, Farmington MI, March 22, 2010.
Community Conversation, Huron Valley NCLI Summit, White Lake, MI, February 16, 2010.
Film Showing and Conversation, “Texas Children in Nature” U of Texas, Austin, TX, December, 2010.
Leader, Community Conversation, Envisioning Wonders: The Greening of Detroit 20th Anniversary, Renaissance High School, Detroit, MI, November, 2010.
Presenter, “Nature Play Matters,” Holden Arboretum and Philips Osborne School, Willoughby, OH, April 12-17, 2010.
Panelist, Cornell Plantations and Ithaca Children’s Garden, Tompkins County Public Library, Ithaca, NY, June 2, 2010.
REI Northville, March 31, 2010.
Film Showing, Ypsilanti Public Library, March 24, 2010.
Speaker, No Child Left Inside Summit, Costick Center, Farmington Hills, MI, March 22, 2010.
Parish Talk, Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston, SC, November 8, 2009.
Speaker, “Great Start Macomb,” Clinton Township, MI, September 10, 2009.
Discussion Leader, Pennfield Presbyterian Church, Battle Creek, MI. October 3, 2009.
Community Conversation Leader, U of Michigan Children’s Center, Ann Arbor, MI. April 29, 2009.
Brighton Center for the Arts and Miller Early Childhood Center, Brighton, MI. January 29, 2009.
Discussion Leader, Leslie Science and Nature Center and NWF, Ann Arbor, MI. November 5, 2008.
Panelist with Associate Producer Mark Harris, Pacific Oaks College and Children’s School. Pasadena, CA. October 30, 2008.
Speaker, Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education. Claire, MI. Oct 11, 2008.
Panelist, “Consumer Kids”, Detroit Waldorf School, November 19, 2009.
Speakers, “Creating Healthy Schools, Raising Healthy Kids,” Warrensville, OH, November 13, 2009.
Keynote, National Learning Initiative Design Institute, North Carolina Botanical Garden, NC, November 5-7, 2009.
Keynote, Association of Independent Michigan Schools Annual Conference. Academy of the Sacred Heart, West Bloomfield, MI, October 19, 2009.
Panelist, Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education Conference, Dearborn, MI, October 8-10, 2009.
Invited Speaker, 12th Addressing Achievement Gaps Symposium, Educational Testing Service, Washington, DC, October 5, 2009.
Presenter, “Children at Play,” Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY, October 17, 2009.
Speaker, “Creating Healthy Schools, Raising Healthy Kids,” Warrensville Heights, OH, November 13, 2009.
Presenter, “Summit on the Value of Play,” Clemson University, Clemson, SC, June 14-16, 2009.
Keynote, “Here Comes the Sun,” National Campus Child Care Centers, Phoenix, AZ, April 23, 2009.
Keynote, “Community Sharing for Healthy Caring,” Howell, MI, October 15, 2008.
Presenter, “Secret Worlds in Children’s Literature,” Garden Club of Michigan, Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, Grosse Pointe Shores, MI, February, 2009.
Presenter, No Child Left Inside Summit, MSU, Lansing, MI, June 25, 2009.
Speaker, Playwork Summit, The Alliance for Childhood, College Park, MD, May 17-19, 2009.
Speaker, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, March 18, 2009.
Speaker, Ellis School, WDCP Community Conversation, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2, 2009.
Speaker, Huron Valley Sierra Club, Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor MI, February 27, 2009.
Presenter, Kids n’ Stuff, Albion Children’s Museum, Albion, MI, December 5, 2008.
Alumna Speaker, University Liggett School, Grosse Pointe, MI, November 19, 2008.
Lecture, Parents’ Night, Grosse Pointe Academy, Grosse Pointe, MI, October 8, 2008.
Invited Participant, Child Development Institute Symposium on Play, Sarah Lawrence College, May, 2008.
Discussion and Film Showing, Children’s Literature Association Conference. Normal, IL. June, 2007.
Co-presenter with Christopher Paul Curtis, “Transforming Michigan,” Council of Michigan Foundations. Dearborn, MI, October 22, 2007.
Panelist, “Michigan as Reflected Through the Written Word,” Ann Arbor Book Festival Kick Off, April, 2004.
Lecture and Book Signing, Barnes and Noble Book Store, Bryn Mawr, PA, February, 2004.
Presenter and Panel Chair, Wisconsin Book Festival, Madison, WI, October, 2003.
Presenter, “Sacred Space in the Outdoors,” Child Spirit Conference, Atlanta, GA, September, 2002.
Panelist, “Community Partners Enhance Healing through Nature-Inspired Art, Children’s Literature and Mindfulness,” Great Lakes Association of Child Life Professionals, Indianapolis, IN. October 22, 2016.
Mentor Panelist, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, U of Michigan. Sept. 27, 2016.
Workshop Leader, Reclaiming Childhood Conference, City College of New York. March 10, 2012.
Workshop Leader, U-M Campus Child Care Homes Network, Early Childhood Training. January 21, 2012.
Facilitator, “Manga Mania, PoP-Ups & Paper Art,” Ann Arbor Book Festival, June 25, 2011.
Workshop Leader, U-M Work/Life Programs, Early Childhood Training, May, 2011.
Selected University of Michigan Activities
Residential College, The Brown Fund Award Committee (2022–)
Editorial Board, Michigan Quarterly Review (2019–)
Residential College Recruitment and Admissions Committee (2018–2022)
U-M Provost’s Council on Student Honors (2002–2018)
Assistant Editor, Michigan Quarterly Review (2000–2019)
Sweetland Writing Prize Judge (2017)
Judge, UROP Project Fair (2011–2017)
Presenter, U-M Sustainable Food Program, Hatcher Gallery (2015)
Water Center, Graham Sustainability Center (2014–15)
RC Sub-Committee on Alumni/ae Relations (2013–14)
SNRE Committee, Proposal for Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainable Water Systems (2013-2014)
Outreach Director, Where Do the Children Play? U-M Ginsberg Center (2009-2012)
Kim Payne, Simplicity Parenting, RC public lecture co-sponsored with Steiner School (October, 2009)
RC Alum Talk, Washington, DC (May 18, 2009)
Search Committee for Editor, Michigan Quarterly Review (2008)
U-M Planning committee, PLAY conference Fall 2010 with UMS, Arts of Earth, Ed School, Mott Children’s Hospital, Ross Business School (2008–2010)
Search Committee for Presidential Professor in Anthropology, International Institute, Contested Childhood Seminar (2003)
Local Judge, Major Short Fiction, Hopwood Awards (1995)
Community Service
Altar Guild, St. Clare’s Episcopal Church (2004–Present)
Advisory Board, The National Institute for Play, Carmel, CA (2004–Present)
Advisory Board, Grass Lake Sanctuary, Manchester, MI (2009–2016)
Board of Directors, The Alliance for Childhood, Baltimore MD (2002–2016)
Michigan No Child Left Inside Steering Committee (2011–2015)