Michigan Meeting 2018:
Ending Gender-Based Violence
May 3 – 5, 2018
In spring of 2018, the University of Michigan hosted a national conference on ending gender-based violence. Gender-based violence among adolescents and young adults is an intractable problem. Though much work has been done to end gender-based violence, the scope of the problem can still feel daunting. The 2018 Michigan Meeting brought together scholars, practitioners, and activists from across disciplines to share strategies and develop innovative ideas for moving forward.
This dynamic 3-day event aimed to inspire research and inform policy, pedagogy, and practice. The agenda highlighted activist, survivor and student perspectives. Using an intersectional lens, we attended to the broad range of inequalities that are experienced in school, work and personal life.
This event was made possible by the sponsorship of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan. The Michigan Meetings are a series of annual inter-disciplinary meetings on topics of broad interest and contemporary importance to both the public and the academic community.
The planning group partnered with the University of Michigan’s Injury Prevention Center, who hosted a one-day summit on May 2, 2018 that focused on campus sexual assault prevention.