What We Do

Our vibrant alumni community supports current students through mentorship, internships, and financial contributions to the department.

Join our community to connect with fellow alums. Mentor current students. Host student interns. Participate in events. Give to UM English.

Make a Difference:
Give to UM English

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Since UM English alums know that the study and writing of English literature has enriched our professional and personal lives, we are committed to assuring that today’s students are given the opportunity to enrich theirs.

Click here to learn more about students who have benefited from alumni giving, and the ten funds that will enhance their present and future.

Mentor Students

Register with LSA Connect to join a dynamic community of current Michigan students. Offer your wisdom and experience and share how your English degree has shaped your trajectory.

Click here to learn more about LSA Connect.

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Alumni of the UM English Department


Alumni who are currently in touch