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WEMU 89.1 Features EJ HistoryLab Website and ENACT Panel in “Earth Day at 50” Series (April 2020)

WEMU, the NPR station based at Eastern Michigan University, extensively featured the ENACT panel discussion, Ecology Center history project, and other research of the Environmental Justice HistoryLab in a two-part series in its “Issues of the Environment” program.

Click here to read and listen to Part 1: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years! Origins in Ann Arbor

Click here to read and listen to Part 2: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years: Looking Ahead during COVID-19

Earth Day 1970 Research by Environmental Justice HistoryLab Featured in Washington Post, “What the Older Generations Owe the Young” (April 2020)

Matt Lassiter, the founder of the Environmental Justice HistoryLab, published “What the Older Generations Owe the Young 50 Years after the First Earth Day” in the Washington Post on April 22, 2020. The article for the “Made by History” project draws from the research and interviews conducted by the student team that created the “Give Earth a Chance” digital exhibit.

Adam Rome of the University of Buffalo wrote a companion piece for the “Made by History” in the Washington Post, “Earth Day 1970 Was More than a Protest. It Built a Movement.”