Inclusive Syllabus Language – Equitable Teaching

Inclusive Syllabus Language


This Inclusive Teaching resource guide offers sample language written in an inclusive manner that instructors may adopt and adapt for your own syllabus. Particular attention is paid to discussion guidelines that can be used to communicate to students your expectations on how they approach material and one another in the classroom. The examples demonstrate how inclusive pedagogical practices can be implemented in syllabus construction.

Resource Goals:

  • To provide examples of how inclusive language can be implemented in a syllabus that instructors can either cut-and-paste into their own syllabi or use as a model which they can adapt or supplement with their own words.

  • To implement inclusive pedagogical practices in syllabus language and construction.

  • To attend to student needs and identifies in inclusive ways that are sometimes overlooked in department boilerplate language.

Inclusive Syllabus Language Resource Guide:

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