School You, Inc. – Equitable Teaching

School You, Inc.

School You, Inc.


In this activity, students imagine creating a school designed to maintain oppressive norms. Students will consider not only what institutional oppression looks like, but how it is perpetuated as they are encouraged to make their maintenance of oppressive norms subtle and devious. A debriefing discussion after the activity is concluded will encourage students to reflect critically on how the construction of their imagined school relates to real-life institutions and the perpetuation of institutional oppressive norms. The activity can be structured as a large group discussion/activity, a small group discussion/activity with a facilitator assigned to each group, or a small group activity with the entire class debriefing together after the activity is concluded.

Activity Goals:

  • To illuminate how institutions can be oppressive.

  • To help students reflect on how oppressive institutional norms are perpetuated and evade critique.

School You, Inc. Activity Guide:

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