Monash University in Australia hosts an academic English language self-study website, Learn HQ, with vast breadth and depth in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar. There are quick self-assessments to help you decide which resources to…
Tag: reading
Preview a Reading with VocabGrabber
VocabGrabber, a tool from Thinkmap’s Visual Thesaurus, allows users to paste in up to 100 pages of text, and then see a visual display of the most frequent and most relevant vocabulary. If you have…
Using English for Specific Academic Purposes
Andy Gillett’s UEFAP site, Using English for Academic Purposes, supported by BALEAP (the British Association of Lecturers in EAP) offers a deep set of resources for academic communication in all skill areas. The best segments…
Academic vocabulary and writing practice
Sometimes, a gift arrives by email. I received one just before the new year: a link to Reading and Writing Tools for Academic English, a site designed by Eoin Jordan and Andy Snyder, instructors at Xi’an…