December 18 Bird Survey at ESGR

The ESGR hosted 12 people for a bird survey that started at 6AM and ended around 11AM, December 18th, 2018.
  ~~ 27 species were tallied ~~
Highlights were great looks at Barred and Eastern Screech-Owls pre-dawn (making the early morning worth it). It was great to have access to a warm house and kitchen for refreshments.
We are looking forward to a return by the bird surveyors during breeding season, in May or June.  We also welcome visits by bird watchers during the earlier migration too!
Happy Solstice Everyone!

By Robyn J Burnham

Robyn is a plant biologist to the bone. She has been interested in plants since she was a small child, sent to weed the parts of the garden she could not destroy. She maintains a teeny organic farm with every vegetable that she can squeeze into its hilltop space. Her real passion is vines, and tropical woody ones (lianas) are the best. Her favorite plant? Depends on which moment you ask her...